W e need to talk about a lie that can be perpetrated daily – often going unpunished – a lie that affects the happiness, health, and trust levels of millions of people. We need to talk about you lying about your penis size. As a women we know when you are lie. We can measure, we know! So when you lie or put on about your huge dick, it first makes you sound ignorant and stupid. then when we discover you have nothing more than a hot dog cock in your pants (Oscar Meyer advertises their hot dogs at 5 3/4 inches lo - By Shannonng uncooked) we wonder what type of looser you are. Even worse is now when you can't deliver the goods for us we know you are a looser! More amazing might be the man that does not talk about it, keeps us guessing. then we see it's just an average cock in length but amazing things happen in bed with it and the rest of your parts! There are white lies we tell people to feel better. (“Your butt looks great in that dress!”) White lies are not necessarily a...