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Showing posts from December, 2015

Shame on having men wear clothing in movies

For a show that doesn’t hesitate to portray totally nude women, the slitting of a woman’s throat; bloodied heads perched atop spikes lining crenellated castle walls; the repeated stabbing of a pregnant woman’s stomach, rounded with child; the gory decapitation of a horse; a woman’s lifeless, suspended body, riddled with arrows; and torture scene after torture scene (one involving rats, one involving a horrifyingly large scepter);  Game of   Thrones  sure does seem to get uncharacteristically squeamish when it comes to showing male nudity. In short, where are all the penises? It's been a Hollywood double standard since the beginning of Hollywood. I understand the argument that we all judge a nude man on the screen by size of his penises, but we have been doing this regarding women's boobs forever.  The real problem with the lack of dick on  GoT  is that there doesn’t seem to be set rules about what sexual taboos should or shouldn’t b...

Confessions of the bedroom. When he reaches around for some finger action

"One of the best things I enjoy that my man does is when I ride him, sometimes he will finger me at the same time - it can be a filling and an orgasmic sensation"

Proper spanking

So why do we spank? First of all, it’s the easiest way to experiment for  first-time BDSM play  ; all you need is a hand, a buttock, and some momentum applied to said hand (also a sense of aim, because nobody likes being slapped in the tailbone). Secondly, it’s pretty risk-free; we can’t even venture to think of any serious injury that can be inflicted through a little love tap, with worst that can feasibly happen is you being on the receiving end of a ‘what the hell was that?’ look before getting back to the business at hand. However to get down to the real reason behind spanking – aside from it feeling good – differs from person to person, because hey, we’re all mixed bags of nuts. Some do it to feel dominant, while others accept it to feel dominated , and many just do it to add that extra bit of spice. It can be enjoyed by both partners – because it goes both ways – but only if  proper spanking etiquette is followed , such as; Strikes should be focuse...

I saw their penises by accident and it took three days before it was funny. - By guest blogger Gina

My two best friends in the world are two guys named David and Parker. They're super awesome guys who are fun to hang out with and I had known both of them for years as nothing more than friends.  We used to all share a college dorm room our last year of college even and never was there any hanky-panky or nudity involved. Both of them where very private as am I and no ever brought anyone home that year as it was the rule.  A few weeks ago, we decided we would all go on a vacation together with just the three of us to Florida. I was not in a relationship at the time and both the boys had been single recently also.  I was our designated driver. We had done also of things together over the years but a road trip was never one of them. I picked up David and Parker, and we were on our way. The trip was going great until the dreaded and embarrassing moment of seeing not one but two penises by accident.  A good portion of the trip is ac...

There is Such Thing as a Too-Big Penis, sometimes - By Gina Moss That Is

Guest blogger - Gina Moss In this life, we all face challenges — tests of our mettle, causes that seem beyond lost, problems that seem to push the very limits of our intellect, creativity, and bravery. And sometimes, one of those challenges is figuring out how to deal with a really big penis. Thick ones are fun but require a warm up session Many people believe that, like the noble Sasquatch, the too-big penis is simply a myth; others think you’re experimenting with a new genre of humblebraggery when you complain that a too-big penis chafed your vagina so much while having sex that it still stings hours later. “Must be a nice problem to have,” those unenlightened folks will tell you, as they angrily sip their lattes and mentally cross you off their Christmas card lists. But trust me, too-big penises are very real — and they are a very real problem. You better warm it up if you have a weapon this size Enormous penises sound great on paper, of course — if they didn’t...

Look like a porn star when you fuck!

I t's important to always look good and as women it's even more of a self conscious time to be totally naked in front of a man. I can assure you though men just like naked women, and they like them a lot! All shapes and sizes - yes they like your ass, hips, tits and pussy. It has often been said that women are turned on by what they feel, while men are turned on by what they see. There is a lot of truth to this. I like to look off course and seeing a hot sexy naked man is a turn on but it may not be so black-and-white; probably men are aroused by what they see only in proportion to how masculine they are, and women by what they feel in proportion to their femininity. But whatever the case, men are primarily aroused by what they see. While certain moves, positions or behaviors also play a role in arousing a man during sex, visual stimulation is the most important yet most frequently overlooked aspect of a woman's sexual performance. In addition to makin...

Rambling of balls. By guest blogger Kerry "That was before I got married"

Balls are pretty fascinating to me. Probably because I don't have them.  They can change size and grow or shrink during sex, but it's not related to erections. I have seen tight compact balls, floppy dangling balls, ugly balls, nice looking balls, hairy balls and pretty smooth balls.  The penis and testes  start getting bigger  around the same time during puberty, but the penis goes through the most changes. Typically, from what I have seen, and I have seen a lot of balls, they are usually proportional to the size of the man's penis. In other words, if they have a big dick the balls mostly matched.  Unlike a  swigging  penis, swinging balls are still unexpected to me and I sometimes just can;t stop and stare.  I big swinging cock can be expected but swinging balls still fascinates me Balls slapping my vagina and inside of my legs is just one of those things that I think is hot and that feels good during sex...

It's just a blowjob | By Megan guest blogger

It's not that complicated. I have women write in all the time about how to give a blowjob to well endowed men or small men.  All men are different I have had partners that where enormous and I could only suck on the tip or just the head. I was with another and never successfully completed a blowjob on him - he was quite small and it was more difficult.  Sometimes they are so big, all they are going to get is some head action Again another was well endowed but liked stimulation further down the shaft and finds if i just suck the tip we got nowhere and if I do what he likes I gag within minutes, so I used a lot more hands than mouth. I also stimulate a mans penis and balls by hand as I suck. I alternate between these for and it really prolongs the blowjob - handy for times when us ladies just want to pleasure the guys without all the work.  It's a blowjob don't overthink it. Small dicks or big. Your mouth on them is half the battle. 

The Erotic Accordion

The Erotic Accordion, also called the Amazon Sex position can be fun but proceed with caution. So here is what happens. You get your man to lie on his back and draws his knees up to his chest, so he is curled a bit like he’s halfway through a backward roll. You are going to get a good view of all of his junk. So if seeing balls and dick and ass is not your thing then don't dive in and even try this.  The advantage to this position is you get some deep penetration, as a the women you are in control, you get some good G-Spot stimulation and you get can feel his balls on you as you sit down.  How it all happens: You squat over him and you sit on his penis, which will be poking through the gap in the back of his legs. Some men need there penis pulled down to make this work when they are erect, some men this may not work at all if they point to strait up or if they are too short even.  This is a good position though for making him feel longer and for GREAT G-Spot an...