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Intact or not - Women tell all

1.   Uncircumcised guys are like nasty sausages ready to pop out.
“Dude, uncircumcised guys are like nasty sausages ready to pop out. Circumcision all the way.”

2. Uncut men’s dicks feel better inside
“I’ve done a fair amount of research (FOR SCIENCE!) with about equal ratio of cut to uncut men. My results conclude that uncut men feel better in the sack from a how the dick feels perspective.”

3. One looks like an anteater’s snout and the other doesn’t.
“One looks like an anteater’s snout and the other doesn’t…”

4. Cut is the best, uncut lovers can’t last in bed and often have a nasty smelly mess under the foreskin.
“Cut is the best, uncut lovers never can last as long in bed as they are to sensitive and often have a nasty smelly mess under the foreskin. A major it is not going to happen with me! Especially when considering oral.”

5. Never been intimate with one, but have heard from MANY friends that dudes with their foreskin still intact are better in bed, because they feel EVERYTHING 10 times as much!”

6. I went to give a guy a blowjob once and when I realized it was uncut I just got up and left. 

7. Uncircumcised dicks are a deal breaker in my opinion. It’s like pop goes the weasel.

8. Sleeves are gross.
“Cock sleeves are gross.”

9. The uncircumcised was the worst lover fathomable.
“I’ve had both. The uncircumcised was the worst lover fathomable. He did not use his parts optimally. I wish he had been more hygienic too. I prefer my honeybun right now. 
He has a gorgeous you-know-what that is clean and delicious. Though the thought of circumcision makes me ill—(poor baby, thank god he won’t remember…I hope) a circumcised hot-rod combined with an owner who knows what he’s doing, is HEAVENLY!”

10. The uncircumcised penis has a foul smell that I cannot stand.
“I believe uncircumcised penises have a very off-putting odor! The uncircumcised penis has a foul smell that I cannot stand. Everyone’s different & some may like the smell or be able to see past it. However, I cannot. Circumcised is much cleaner & pleasant. It’s such a shame that so many people are opting to keep it natural these days rather than have it cut. It’s slowly being faded out & soon I believe it won’t be an option to have done which is a shame for those of us who don’t like stinky penises!”

11. Women do not like to pull down a man’s pants to see a disgusting uncircumcised penis.
“Women do not like to pull down a man’s pants to see a disgusting uncircumcised penis. In more civil writing, being uncircumcised really does not have the benefits that uncircumcised people claim. First of all, many but not all uncircumcised penises produce enough smegma to where hygiene becomes an issue. Women are very offended by this. Secondly, there is no increase in pleasure for the woman simply because there is a disgusting flap of skin. Most importantly it looks quite disgusting and women find that extremely unattractive.”

12. Uncircumcised penises are just aesthetically unpleasant to the eye. They are dirty.
“Uncircumcised penises are just aesthetically unpleasant to the eye. They are dirty. You don’t need science to tell you that a bigger surface area (uncircumcised penis) means more bacteria. It’s logic.”

“CIRCUMCISED! I dated my boyfriend for 2 years before he got this done. Its a really nice change…the head is just out there all the time..! Much sexier.
Oral and uncircumcised = NO!
Oral and Circumcised = YES!”

14. Uncut sometimes can be more on the funky/smelly side.
“But seriously, uncut dicks tend to be more fun to play with and uncut are prettier to look at. Although, uncut sometimes can be more on the funky/smelly side than cut. And guys with uncut dicks tend to be more appreciative of head because their sensitivity to it seems more heightened. With that said, penises are great and I’m envious.”

15. The gliding sensation from the foreskin just does it for me.
“I have a decent sample size of both intact and circumcised men, and while I have had circumcised men be able to get me off from vaginal intercourse alone, it’s only been after plenty of getting to know each other sexually. The uncircumcised men have been the only ones who I orgasm from vaginal intercourse alone easily, even during casual encounters. The gliding sensation from the foreskin just does it for me.”

16. I really, really, really prefer uncircumcised men.
“I wouldn’t not sleep with a guy strictly because he is circumcised since he likely didn’t get a say in the matter, but I really, really, really prefer uncircumcised men. I mean, why would I prefer a man missing a significant part of his penis?”

17. There was definitely an odor and if you’re used to circumcised, they look…different.
“My longtime ex was uncircumcised, and it was fine (although his penis was on the small side, so I imagine a bigger uncircumcised one would be even more fine.) Pros: They are easier to jerk off. Cons: There was definitely an odor and if you’re used to circumcised, they look…different. But I was OK with both. It’s not a bad look or bad smell, just more…animalistic? That can be sexy, right?”

18. My first run-in with an uncircumcised penis made me realize I never wanted to jerk off a circumcised one again.
“My first run-in with an uncircumcised penis made me realize I never wanted to jerk off a circumcised one again.”

19. Why is it wearing a turtleneck?
“First time I saw one, it was weird—why is it wearing a turtleneck? It takes some getting used to—different texture, smell, etc. Now I’m more or less indifferent. I wanted to get over it, since I don’t want to be judged on the natural state of my vagina.”

20. It’s easier for me to get a good seal for suction on a BJ if it’s an uncut penis.
“I can feel it. The foreskin is there to lubricate and ease penetration. Basically I can keep going for longer without starting to feel dry/rubbed/sore. Also, it’s easier for me to get a good seal for suction on a BJ if it’s an uncut penis. YMMV.”

21. I found cut guys could go longer being less sensitive.
“I’m going to follow the herd on this one. Does it matter if Brad Pitt has or does not have a foreskin? It’s the man behind it. When it’s hard as hell you can hardly tell. Cut is more hygienic, uncut erotic and natural. I found cut guys could go longer being less sensitive. My vote goes both ways. 50/50.”
—Mrs Mom

22. I dislike the look of a circumcised penis.
“I dislike the look of a circumcised penis, and I prefer the feel of uncircumcised. Though it’s important for an uncircumcised guy to wash well under the skin, otherwise it’s a real turn off.”

23. I don’t like a sight of a circumcised one.
“Uncircumcised. I dunno, maybe that’s because I’m foreign, but I don’t like a sight of a circumcised one, and I don’t think natural is ‘gross.’ I personally think they should ban the practice altogether. Just because in Victorian times they thought that circumcision will stop young boys masturbating doesn’t mean we have to continue this barbaric practice.”

24. Uncircumcised carries bacteria and it’s kinda gross-looking.
“Uncircumcised carries bacteria and it’s kinda gross-looking….circumcision is a must here in America.”
Queen of the Green

25. My current boyfriend is uncut and I LOVE it.
“My current boyfriend is uncut and I LOVE it… the motion feels better and more natural and can make it less painful and more enjoyable for the girl. Cut is good too but will more likely result in irritation.”

26. I think cut is disgusting.
“I live in Europe and every man here is uncut, unless they are Muslim. I think cut is disgusting.”
Lady of the Lake

27. I’ve been with both and I actually like the uncircumcised ones a little better.
“Well I’ve been with both and I actually like the uncircumcised ones a little better (not that I would turn down a guy based on his circumcision status). To me the uncircumcised penis feels a little better (less rough) during intercourse than the circumcised penis. I think it’s because they are more sensitive and don’t have to be as rough. And like the other girls said, I also think the foreskin is fun to play with (especially when you are giving a handjob). But I generally like them either way. My last BF was uncircumcised and I never had to worry about his hygiene being an issue. All that stuff about uncircumcised penises causing ‘infections’ or whatever is just nonsense!”
Jamie C

28. Circumcised look & smell slightly better, but uncircumcised feels better (for sex & handjobs…no need for lube).
“Both have benefits & drawbacks. Circumcised look & smell slightly better, but uncircumcised feels better (for sex & handjobs…no need for lube). For oral, circumcised is better. The smell is not as strong. I have a slight preference for circumcised, but if the guy is cute/nice it doesn’t really matter.”

29. Definitely uncut.
“Definitely uncut, I’ve been with both with about the same size penises and uncut does something magical for me every time—guaranteed without even trying—oh gosh just thinking about it makes me weak at the knees! I’m single now, & I would prefer a man that is uncut, but how on earth do you ask someone ‘that,’ you only first meet? (Sorry if that’s too much information.)”

30. Circumcised looks scarred and mutilated, which is not an attractive look.
“Circumcised looks scarred and mutilated, which is not an attractive look. It looks altogether very strange. The foreskin is attractive, I think it looks really cute. And uncircumcised is far easier to stimulate manually and just generally more fun, as well as having many more nerve endings and being more sensitive. I’m from the UK, though. From Europe the US obsession with mutilating male babies seems incredibly freaky.”

31. An uncut one is fun to play with, rolling his skin around with my tongue.
“Always had a cut one with penetration, but an uncut one is fun to play with, rolling his skin around with my tongue. Someday I might have an uncut one deep in me.”

32. The problem with uncircumcised men is they do not keep it clean, and they experience more infections that way.
“I have had both. The uncircumcised felt like silk, and just gave me different sensations. I’d have to say that the circumcised gives me more pleasure. As for the orgasm…well, they have always been easier to achieve with the circumcised. The problem with uncircumcised men is they do not keep it clean, and they experience more infections that way. My ex’s skin actually got so tight that he couldn’t pull the skin back to clean it. I researched it, and it is quite common as the man ages.”

33. I’ve found that uncircumcised penises tend to have a stronger smell and more greasy/sweaty feel to them.
“Circumcised penises, in my opinion, are much better. Over the years, I’ve found that uncircumcised penises tend to have a stronger smell and more greasy/sweaty feel to them. Despite best efforts to keep clean, any skin that is folded on top of other skin will tend to sweat and smell rather quickly—even after a good shower. So it is definitely a fact that circumcised penises are ‘easier’ to keep clean, and I’m guessing are less prone to infections.”

34. Every female prefers a circumcised male.
“Every female prefers a circumcised male. First of all, it looks better & no odor, plus the scar around is not that noticeable/bad looking. What is noticeable are uncircumcised penises. Why would I want a guy that has an odor down there all the time, unless they go wash up pretty good every-time before any sexual contact. I mean do guys like ugly vaginas that have an odor? I don’t think so. So why would we?”

35. A cut penis is basically a dildo since there are no movable parts like in a whole penis.
“Only women who haven’t been lucky to be with a WHOLE man will say they prefer cut men. The fact is natural sex (meaning intact sex) is so much better. Less friction, more pleasure for both the man and the woman. Cut sex is not normal. There is too much friction. A cut penis is basically a dildo since there are no movable parts like in a whole penis.”

36. Circumcision scars are extremely ugly.
“Only daft idiots would think a penis missing part of itself is actually better. I had sex with a circumcised man, and it was the worst sex of my life. It hurt, his penis was rough, and circumcision scars are extremely ugly.
My husband is uncircumcised and I love his penis exactly the way it is. It feels 100x better than the circumcised penis, and he is so much more sensitive to the touch. I love it.”

37. No woman wants a foreskin that resembles an elephant trunk inside her.
“You American women are nuts, in Australia it is much preferred to have sex with a circumcised man, not only does it look sexier and maintain much cleaner but no Aussie woman wants a foreskin that resembles an elephant trunk inside her or especially in her mouth! Yuck yuck and yuck.”

38. Every guy who’s had foreskin has had way more pleasure!
“I have seen a lot a dicks as a nurse and uncircumcised men feel way better! I don’t want to come off sounding like a bitch but I’ve been with enough guys to know. I don’t know where the myth of it smelling bad came from because I’ve never had a bad experience. I’ve had worse experiences with guys who were cut. Every guy who’s had foreskin has had way more pleasure! Their sensitive spots are a lot more sensitive and you can just tell that they are having a lot more fun; the way they arch their back and moan. As a nurse I am totally against circumcision. It’s cruel and has absolutely NO medical benefit. We need to start teaching high-school students about this as it seems to be a widely believed myth. I love an uncut man.”

39. I find the circumcision scar to be visually less than pleasing.
“I can vividly remember the first time I performed oral sex on an intact guy. It was amazing, I had thought that my prior dislike for giving oral sex was a flaw on my part, but once I had a complete penis to ‘play’ with my whole attitude changed. I had fun and enjoyed myself. There are so many more options of things to do. I once read a book, I can’t recall the exact title but it was something along the lines of ‘101 ways to perform fellatio’ It must have been written by an European author because over half of the techniques listed required the presence of a foreskin. :( As much as I hate to say it… the truth is I find the circumcision scar to be visually less than pleasing. There’s even been a few that sparked the thought ‘wow… that had to hurt’ I feel bad for feeling that way but as uncomfortable as it is to say and I imagine to hear it’s the truth.”

40. I will never be with another man who is circumcised!
“I had never slept with a man who wasn’t circumcised before it was kind of a shock when I first saw his penis, I thought how is this going to work? To my surprise it’s been the best sex of my life!!! I never have to worry about going dry, it lasts much longer and the extra skin seems to rub just the right way, I will never be with another man who is circumcised!”

41. I can understand how some women equate uncut men to being smelly.
“Well, well, well. I have recently encountered my 1st uncircumcised penis and it made me RUN to the Internet for some research. The way it looks is fine with me, I didn’t know that’s what uncircumcised penis looked like until he told me that he wasn’t cut, all it is, is some extra skin and that’s what I thought initially. But after playing with it a couple times I noticed a smell. And I thought, hmmm maybe this one time he’s off, but NO every time I played with his dick it STANK!!! I mean it wouldn’t smell at first, but after a few minutes here came that smell again. UGHH! And all I could think of was its because he wasn’t cut. I never had that problem w/cut men, never! So, I can understand how some women equate uncut men to being smelly. But, NOW I know that it’s probably just a mixture of bad hygiene and diet. Crazy thing is, he could just be stepping outta the shower and it will STILL smell!”

42. UNcircumcised all the way.
“My husband is uncircumcised, and my daughters father was circumcised, and I have to say, there’s such a HUGE difference for me, one of the biggest things that get me off, is seeing my lover in pleasure, and I’ve noticed my husband experiences soooo much more pleasure than any other of my exes. \
Its because there’s that skin covering up the sensitive spots, and when he gets hard, the head pokes out, and the sensation is ten time greater, which i love as much as him! Also for me. 
I love feeling the foreskin inside of me, maybe that’s gross, but it makes my husband’s penis thicker, softer, and a little ribbed! So in my personal experiences, UNcircumcised all the way.”

43. The uncircumcised was better, added width.
“The uncircumcised was better, added width. Circumcised look more scary to me, dunno why, humans are strange breed.”

44. I can tell you that, for me, uncircumcised is much better.
“Being that I live in North America, I have only had circumcised lovers until recently. I can tell you that, for me, uncircumcised is much better. The foreskin acts as a clitoral stimulant during intercourse, and, because the penis is more sensitive, the man is more likely to fuck less forcefully than his uncircumcised counterparts. I am currently seeing a gorgeous, uncut man, and the sex is sublime. He is very sensuous, I always have at least three (usually more) orgasms whenever we make love, and he doesn’t jackhammer away like some circumcised men have to do in order to climax.
That said, a circumcised man can also be amazing in bed. I have had lovers sans foreskin who blew me away in bed because they knew what they were doing. The foreskin rubbing the clit sensation can be duplicated with grinding pelvises for increased clitoral stimulation, or by applying a finger or vibrator to the clit during intercourse.
Fundamentally, what makes a man a great lover is primarily skills, sensitivity, good communication, enthusiasm and willingness to please. But a man with a working foreskin may not have to try as hard to get the woman in his life off.”

45. An uncircumcised penis is a prime location for anaerobic bacteria to thrive. My ex would get this white film over his penis head that tasted gross and smelled even worse.
“My ex of 1 year and 7 months was uncircumcised and it was really a pain in the ass. I would recommend parents just go ahead and get their male children circumcised as infants to save him the hassle of dealing with his foreskin when he grows up. 
An uncircumcised penis is a prime location for anaerobic bacteria to thrive. My ex would get this white film over his penis head that tasted gross and smelled even worse. Before we would have vaginal or oral sex I would request that he wash it with soap and water and thoroughly dry it with a towel. 
Sometimes the constant moisture under his foreskin would cause his skin to crack around his penis head causing him pain with erection & we would have to postpone sex until it healed.
As far as sensation, I don’t think there was any real difference. The sex with my ex was good but I think that was more because I loved him and he had sexual experience and less because he was uncircumcised. He is the only person I ever came with during the act of intercourse but I had only had sex with a few people before him so I didn’t really have the hang of it yet.”

46. The cut ones were much better. A much better experience for me, both for oral sex, anal sex and vaginal sex.
“I had sex with two cut men and two uncut men. My first man was Muslim from Morocco so he was circumcised. The second was a white American so he was circumcised. The third was Latino so he was uncircumcised and the fourth was an Indian man raised Hindu so he was uncircumcised.
The cut ones were much better. A much better experience for me, both for oral sex, anal sex and vaginal sex. Totally prefer cut men.

Of course, other factors could explain this. Maybe, because I was a virgin when I had the Muslim, it was all new and wonderful to me so I had a better experience. 
I was very hungry and eager for sex with him but not so much with the others. 

Maybe I was more sexually attracted to him than to the others. Maybe the first two were better lovers. Maybe we had a better emotional and psychological connection and so that was why the sex was better. Maybe I was just sexually incompatible (or only semi compatible) with the last two. Maybe I was worried more about pregnancy and STDs with the last two and that cramped the experience.
Still, I have a feeling that the foreskin was the issue—or at least part of the issue. I think the issue may be that I’m a fairly small person and have a small mouth, a pretty tight vagina (from having had very little sex in my life and being celibate for about 7 years at one point) and a small butthole—so a man with a foreskin gives me more penis than I can handle and hurts me like hell. Perhaps a man without a foreskin gives me less dick and that works better for me. And because it works better for me, it works better for the both of us. Maybe that’s it.
So I hope that my husband, whoever he may be, be cut. I like it better because it makes oral sex a lot easier and makes vaginal sex easier and less painful.
Well, maybe an uncut man with a small and easy to handle penis would work just as well :shrug”

47. As a nurse I am totally against circumcision. It’s cruel and has absolutely NO medical benefit.
“Uncircumcised men feel way better! I don’t want to come off sounding like a whore, but I’ve been with enough guys to know. I don’t know where the myth of it smelling bad came from because I’ve never had a bad experience. I’ve had worse experiences with guys who were cut. Every guy who’s had foreskin has had way more pleasure! Their sensitive spots are a lot more sensitive and you can just tell that they are having a lot more fun; the way they arch their back and moan. As a nurse I am totally against circumcision. It’s cruel and has absolutely NO medical benefit. We need to start teaching high-school students about this as it seems to be a widely believed myth. I love an uncut man.”

48. When it’s covered I start thinking of things like ‘pig in a blanket.’
“Once they are hard enough then there is no difference for me, but in general I prefer circumcised because I don’t like the appearance of the uncut ones when they are soft or semi-soft—the head of the penis really turns me on so I like to see it, when it’s covered I start thinking of things like ‘pig in a blanket’ and I might think that maybe I should put them on my grocery list, or I think of a swaddled baby—I can lose focus and lose my woman’s equivalent of an erection very easily in such a situation.
If you are trying to decide whether to get circumcised or not—get circumcised.”
chocolate bar

49. I am completely turned off by men that are uncircumcised.
“I am completely turned off by men that are uncircumcised. Period.”

50. The first time I ever saw an uncut dick, I thought there was something wrong with it.
“Hahahaha so the first time I ever saw an uncut dick, I thought there was something wrong with it. 
Plus, the guy had never shaved or trimmed down there…it was the weirdest thing I’d ever seen. I thought he had a disease. Turns out he was just…lazy. 
Then I saw more (I swear to God, it’s like nobody in New England got cut…thank God I live on Long Island)…and having had both, let’s just say that I’m a fan of the cut men out there.”

51. Uncircumcised is pretty gross-looking.
“Yeeeaaaahhhh uncircumcised is pretty gross-looking. Sorry guys, but us Jews had the right idea.”

52. I’m always disappointed when a man is circumcised.
“Uncut. Usually men who are not circumcised have better hygiene. There’s also the added friction from the foreskin.
I’m always disappointed when a man is circumcised. And the one time the man had a botched circumcision, and a keloid scar. That was a complete turnoff.”

53. With an uncut one I don’t feel much friction and feels like the skin makes it soft and slides in more easily.
“Feels different like, I feel more friction with a cut penis, with an uncut one I don’t feel much friction and feels like the skin makes it soft and slides in more easily…kind of…I don’t really know how to explain it…It just feels a little bit different. And it’s not the size cause I’ve had pretty much all same sizes, and it’s not that the uncut guys were not hard cause they were.”
Jess E.

54. I’ve seen an uncircumcised penis and I was turned off.
“I prefer a circumcised penis. It’s visually better looking. I’ve seen an uncircumcised penis and I was turned off. I do not want to experience one either.”


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