Surprisingly you women want to know if I have ever slept with two brothers. Here is a list of similar questions regarding this topic and my answers.
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1. Have you slept with brothers? Yes (6 sets)
2. Have you slept with brothers at the same time? Yes (Twice)
3. Do brothers penises look the same (same size, color, shape etc.)? Yes, except for one set of brothers who's cocks where very different in size. Those two it was funny, one had a really big cock the other was average size. One set of twins cocks look, well identical, the other set, one had a little longer cock than the other. For the most part there cocks looked the same and where the same size.
4. Do they fuck the same? Yes and No, if they where close in age they fucked similar. The older brothers where always better fucks than the younger brother. The exception would have been the brothers that had different size cocks, one had an average one and the other a really big one. The younger one had the big cock and he was pretty good, his brother I think let his smaller size intimidate him.
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