To be fair, I also used to believe in homeopathy – we can't all be perfect when we're young.
It took a while for me to shake off this weird belief. When I went to have sex with the next guy, his cock was roughly the same size and shape as my boyfriend's. So, safe in the idea that my vagina was roughly the right 'fit' for what I assumed was an average-sized cock, I went happily out into the world... and ran crotch-first into a guy with a dick the width of a Coke can.
I had to reassess my assumptions.
Truth is, you don't grow or shrink to fit the person you're with. The human vagina is a pretty impressive thing – it stretches and expands just like a cock does, and then shrinks back again when you're no longer aroused, because no one could get through the day with a permanent wide-on. So that thing you heard at school about so-and-so having a 'bucket' because she'd slept with loads of dudes? It's bullshit.

Justin Hancock, an impressively no-nonsense sex educator, explains it like this: 'Because of the other thing that can happen in the vagina (hello, birth) vaginas are very very stretchy indeed, particularly around the cervix... The width and length of the vagina is different for many people (just as penis size varies a lot) but the vagina doesn’t get bigger because of someone having had sex with someone with a bigger penis (even child birth isn’t thought to affect the size of a vagina as much as it might effec the elasticity of it). There’s also loads of strong muscles surrounding the vagina (called pelvic floor muscles or kegels).

Justin Hancock, an impressively no-nonsense sex educator, explains it like this: 'Because of the other thing that can happen in the vagina (hello, birth) vaginas are very very stretchy indeed, particularly around the cervix... The width and length of the vagina is different for many people (just as penis size varies a lot) but the vagina doesn’t get bigger because of someone having had sex with someone with a bigger penis (even child birth isn’t thought to affect the size of a vagina as much as it might effec the elasticity of it). There’s also loads of strong muscles surrounding the vagina (called pelvic floor muscles or kegels).
Flash forward to a few years later, and I hopped into bed with a guy who can more safely be described as 'small.' I don't really want to give a specific size, because small is in the eye of the beholder but we know what small is.
After Coke-can man even porn stars look tiny, but Ant Smith – the guy throwing the UK's first 'small penis party' – measures up at about 4 inches erect, so let's go with that as a guide.
It'd be disingenuous of me to say that it's no different. Apart from anything else, almost everyone's cock feels different when it's inside you - whether it's size, shape, curve or whatever. Over the years I've known guys who bend to the left and right, guys who have cocks both large and small, and one whose dick was an almost conical shape – really slim head growing wider at the base.
So yeah, smaller cocks do feel different. There's less of a stretch, you don't feel as full, and you often miss out on some of the cervix-bashing that you get with large dicks in certain positions, and there can be more slipping out but hey even the long ones do that sometimes.
So yeah, smaller cocks do feel different. There's less of a stretch, you don't feel as full, and you often miss out on some of the cervix-bashing that you get with large dicks in certain positions, and there can be more slipping out but hey even the long ones do that sometimes.
But the problems it comes with are usually not the ones that guys worry about. When I've had a fuck or two with smaller guys, the main thing that worried me was whether the condom would slip off (it didn't, although if someone's really small you can buy condoms with a slimmer fit just in case). The biggest down-side of all though, in my opinion, is the insecurity that comes with a smaller dick.
It's more than possible to pleasure someone if you have a small cock, as evidenced by the fact that countless thousands of people have satisfying sexual relationships without packing a big package you could use to club a seal to death. If you can be satisfied by fingering, oral, and other such delights, you can obviously also be satisfied with a partner who isn't well-hung.
My heart genuinely does go out to dudes who are tiny, and who are shamed for a part of their body that should be celebrated.
At the same time, though, there's nothing less horny than someone who insists on apologizing for themselves and their small cock while you're in the process of trying to appreciate them.
Someone who, after sex, asks you 'was that OK?' in a tentative voice or insists on engaging in pillow talk about how much bigger your previous partners were, seeking repetitive reassurance that they measure up in the pleasure stakes. So yeah – if you've just hooked up with a guy who's on the small side, in my opinion the two greatest hurdles are the condoms and the insecurity, cause I have had a few good romps with the tiny dicks and they where all about the angles, the fingers and their face in my vagina!
At the same time, though, there's nothing less horny than someone who insists on apologizing for themselves and their small cock while you're in the process of trying to appreciate them.
I've shagged small guys who've been confident, and small guys who've been insecure, and there's no prize for guessing which ones were more fun. But while I can understand the sentiment, 'just get over it' is never going to cut it if everything he sees and hears reinforces the idea that he's inadequate and small. You can't just say 'hey baby, although society has told you for years that your less-than-five-inch penis is totally inadequate, I'm going to demand that you pretend it doesn't bother you because otherwise you'll kill my sex buzz.'
So my personal preference is to just not mention it, and instead focus on telling him exactly what I love. After all, if I'm in bed with him, there's usually a reason: from skilled sexy hands to a filthy-hot dominant attitude or a way with words that makes my panties melt. Reassuring someone that 'I fancy you even though your dick's small' is probably going to be less effective than just telling them what you find hot.
So my personal preference is to just not mention it, and instead focus on telling him exactly what I love. After all, if I'm in bed with him, there's usually a reason: from skilled sexy hands to a filthy-hot dominant attitude or a way with words that makes my panties melt. Reassuring someone that 'I fancy you even though your dick's small' is probably going to be less effective than just telling them what you find hot.
There are physical things you can do too, of course – from cock sheaths that wrap around him to give him more girth and length to toys you can use together to take the focus away from straightforward 'train goes in tunnel, train jizzes in tunnel, you both fall asleep at the end' sex.
There are positions (I think doggy is quite a good one, or missionary where I lie on my back with my ankles up near my head) that allow pretty deep penetration, and can maximize the sensation you'll get from a smaller cock. What's more, butt-sex can be a whole lot more fun if you don't have to do that awkward 'slowly slowly slowly oh shit I think it's too big' thing at the beginning, if butt-sex is your thing. I'd certainly never have managed it with Coke-can man.
There's a bit of pressure when writing about dick size to end with a 'size doesn't matter' conclusion, and I'm not sure I can go that far because size does matter, and it probably always will, because different people require different kinds of stimulation.
Just as some won't be able to come without clitoral sensation, there'll be others who find that 'stretched' feeling is the only thing that does it for them. I used to think I was one of them. But just as cocks come in all shapes and sizes, so do vaginas (and asses, and hands, and mouths, and all the other things we fuck with). What might be just right for me might be far too big for you, and your preference may change over time, or if you meet a dude who presses your buttons in just the right way.

Just as some won't be able to come without clitoral sensation, there'll be others who find that 'stretched' feeling is the only thing that does it for them. I used to think I was one of them. But just as cocks come in all shapes and sizes, so do vaginas (and asses, and hands, and mouths, and all the other things we fuck with). What might be just right for me might be far too big for you, and your preference may change over time, or if you meet a dude who presses your buttons in just the right way.

So what of Coke-can man? Well, he left in the morning after our fucked, never to be seen again, except for one late-night stroll home when I ran into him at the bus stop years later with his fiance. I immediately thought about his penis and then her and I laughed and hoped her vagina was doing well.
The sex I had with him was fairly perfunctory – that kind of exciting one-night stand you have at that you think is amazing, but which turns out to be a pale shadow of the sex you could be having with someone else.
His dick felt good don't get me wrong. That full feeling if you have ever had it is wonderful. What he had in dick size he lacked in enthusiasm, and he ended up fucking me in a bored, disinterested way, like he was putting up a shelf and he couldn't wait to finish.
The first small-cocked guy I fucked was much better. Better in the same way that sweets are better than sprouts, or vodka is better than gruel. He was a stunning, hot, horny man. My vag didn't hug him as tightly as it'd hugged others, but his nonchalant confidence, sexy piercings, and fiercely vigorous humping had me clinging to him in the hope he'd never leave. He held me like he adored me, I could feel his body wanting me which made me even more excited.
The sex I had with him was fairly perfunctory – that kind of exciting one-night stand you have at that you think is amazing, but which turns out to be a pale shadow of the sex you could be having with someone else.
His dick felt good don't get me wrong. That full feeling if you have ever had it is wonderful. What he had in dick size he lacked in enthusiasm, and he ended up fucking me in a bored, disinterested way, like he was putting up a shelf and he couldn't wait to finish.
The first small-cocked guy I fucked was much better. Better in the same way that sweets are better than sprouts, or vodka is better than gruel. He was a stunning, hot, horny man. My vag didn't hug him as tightly as it'd hugged others, but his nonchalant confidence, sexy piercings, and fiercely vigorous humping had me clinging to him in the hope he'd never leave. He held me like he adored me, I could feel his body wanting me which made me even more excited.
He did leave, of course – they usually do. But I consoled myself with the knowledge that the next guy would be along soon, and would probably fit just as well.
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