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Famous women on big dicks


“I’m proud to see his penis 25 foot tall. It’s great. It’s big. It’s nice. Massive. If I looked like that I’d walk down the street in my panties too.”
Victoria Beckham on David Beckham’s penis


“I love Ewan McGregor. He’s got a beautiful penis! I’m like: ‘Yeah, man, uncircumcised!’ That’s nice.”
Rosario Dawson


“He unzipped his pants and an Evian bottle fell out. It was insane!”
—Janice Dickinson, in reference to Liam Neeson


“Does size matter? “Yes. My rabbi sister is going to kill me about this, but even she said that if her husband didn’t have a big dick they would just be friends, she would have never given him a chance but his big dick gave her some time to warm up to him. Next question.”
Sarah Silverman


“This dude named Michael used to ride motorcycles… Dick bigger than a tower, I ain’t talking bout Eiffel’s.”
Nicki Minaj, ‘Anaconda’


“I think women are beautiful, I’ve had a lot of fun with women, and I’m not ashamed of it. The problem is that I also love a well-endowed man for just sex. ”


“Because he simply has the BIGGEST penis!”
—Sarah Brightman on why she went out with Andre Lloyd Webber


“I’m not going to pretend it doesn’t make a difference. I know some women say that size doesn’t matter. But it does, at least for me. Put it this way: I can’t see any down side to a man being well hung. So many women fight over how big their diamonds are, but the size of the stone is really about their man’s ego over his little thing. I think diamonds have a direct relationship to your man’s penis size. Does size count? Unfortunately, yes, if the guy has a big dick and can even somewhat fuck it's a good thing.”
Pamela Anderson


“Hmmm—what constitutes a nice package in my opinion? A pretty good size. I’ve been called a `size queen’ before. My friends tease me about it. I just like nice packages. God size package. What does that mean? Honestly? He’s gotta be hangin.”
—Janet Jackson


“First off, size does matter! Girls who say it doesn’t are usually lying in order not to hurt their man’s feelings. It's all about pressure and when a big dick fills you up in the right way it feels better than a little dick. Girls like big cocks, simple as that!”
—Jenna Jameson


“His trouser bulge! Hey, you told me to be honest. It’s no good getting close to a guy and then finding out he can’t deliver the goods. Size DOES matter. Although you know that don’t you!”
Keeley Hazell on first thing she notices about a man she’s in lust with


“He has to be good in bed and the size matters. You know what I mean? The inner beauty counts as well, but without a toy it doesn’t make it fun. Right now I don’t want to have a serious relationship, I want to have fun. If it's just sex a big dick is what he needs, when you fall in love it might not matter as much.”


“I’m really shallow when it comes to guys. I only date really good looking, well-endowed guys, with great bodies. I won't date a guy with a small dick like 5 or 6 inches. My friends are always going on at me. I’m like, I can’t help it! I’m just a woman with high standards! ”
—Josie Maran, model


“In my autobiography, Playing the Field, I was one of the first celebrities to openly discuss the penis sizes of the men I knew. Because of that, the book caused quite a stir in its day. Talk show hosts, especially men, were very intimidated by a woman who frankly evaluated men the way men had evaluated women over the years – by inches.
I once said that 7 1/2 inches was the ideal penis size for me. What, you may ask, is the basis for such a specific measurement? It is a complicated equation, to be sure – part astrology, part East Indian Kama Sutra, and part old-fashioned carpenter’s tape measure. And experience. It’s the Scientific Method: experimentation. Go figure. It’s the right size. ”
Mami Van Doren


“Under seven inches, eh! I don’t think so! Most men have small ones.”
—Lil’ Kim, ‘Get Naked’ TC mark


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