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Celebrity Cocks - part 1

Celebrity Cock

I get all kinds of photos sent to me, many of them I post many of them I don't and many of them I wont! However when I was sent a collection of Famous Cocks I could not resist - Who knew Tommy Lee's big cock was so small when it's not hard?

And for your viewing pleasure famous penises!

Colin Farrell - it was discovered is a man whore and mad several videos of himself having fun with several women at once. He looks to be a hairy beast but has kept it trimmed up nice.


Brett Michaels  - of Poison rock band fame. Pamela Anderson has had her fair share of famous cocks in her mouth and before Tommy there was rocker Brett Michaels cock. She has admitted to loving the big ones and Michael seems like he can hold his own but Pamela must have been working her way up to Tommy Lee since Brett has admitted he is no Tommy but is a solid 7 inches long!


Tommy Lee - Staying on the Pamela train of dicks she has sucked, we should roll right into one of the most famous cocks Mr. Tommy Lee himself of Motley Crue fame. If you have not seen the video of Tommy and Pamela you have been living under a rock. We all know Tommy has a big white wonder of a cock - Pamela comment once it's 9 1/2 inches long and we don't doubt her but I wa surprised to see it so small when the little guy is limp in the picture I was provided of Tommy flashing himself in the UK in 2011. Who knew it the guy grew that much!


Brad Pitt - Years ago I had seen Brad nude on some images a photographer got of him on a private balcony. I think that photographer was then promptly sued into the ground after the incident  by Brad's lawyers and we can see why after it was discovered he had such a wee willy. Actor  Juliette Lewis and Brad Pitt are ancient history, it doesn't mean that Brad didn't leave an impression on Juliette. She recently commented in 2010 that Brad has a tiny penis during a concert on stage and even commented that it about 5 inches long and skinny hard. That's got to hurt the Brad ego! It's ok though because in 2011 Angelina Jolie must have felt compelled to stick up for her "little" man when during s Telegraph, she commented that "in all things that it means". Well hey women have been lying about there man's weenies for 1000''s of years so no reason not to stop now.


The Prince  - The charming prince was caught with his pants down while sneaking a quick bathroom break at a Polo match, where Prince William had his royal penis and crown jewels on display for the entire world. We find the look on his face to be just as priceless as the pic of his actual penis, no clue how big he can raise the royal pole.


Shia Labeouf - You expected a penis photo right? Well we don't have one but my reader pointed me to a very candid Playboy article in which Transformers star Shia Labeouf puts an end to all rumors by coming forward and admitting to having a very small penis in a candid interview with Playboy Magazine.

Shia comments "“I remember trying to have sex with a women and putting a pillow underneath her because I had seen that in a porn movie. It put her at a weird angle, where I couldn’t get it in because I am not long enough. I’m not extremely well-endowed at all … and clearly this wasn’t the move for me. There is average and it's not me" The interviewer asks him how big he is... "If five inches is average I am close"

Now, since we don’t have any actual pics of Shia Labeouf’s small peen, you will just have to make due with this picture and imagine.


Brett Favre  - caused quite the scandal when he texted pics of his penis to NFL reporter Jenn Sturger. I think Charles Barkley summed up the whole situation when he said “My biggest problem with the whole Favre thing is if you’re going to send a woman a picture of your junk, it should be huge.” Jenn seems to feel the same way as she later commented "It's not like I have not seen an NFL players penis before and I was less than impressed for such a big guy". Ouch guess she don't need to NFL Hall Of Fame little dick. Brett Favre's wife, Deanna Favre, spoke out about her superstar husband's alleged extra-marital scandal, saying her faith will see her through. A former breast cancer survivor she ended up weathering the little peen incident, but plenty of other ex girlfriends would emerge all saying the same thing that Mr. NFL has got himself a little one.


Jude Law  - did nothing to help the rumor that British men have small dicks when the Papparazzi caught pics of his shriveled peen while toweling off after a swim. In a moment reminiscent of George Costanza (think shrinkage), Jude Law was caught in this famous celebrity penis pic, and the verdict issued forth by the Internet was a unanimous one – Jude Law has a small dick. But hey you never know it could be a grower like Tommy's!

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Kanye West - Well here we have Kanye West and his hop-hop cock exposed in not one but TWO sex tapes that are being shopped around. One with a former girlfriend and the other with non other than big black cock lover Kim Kardashian. His penis is reportedly 10 inches so it is indeed as big as his ego, but also dark and twisted like his personality.  These pics of Kanye’s dick pretty much confirm that Kim Kardashian only messes around with guys that are packing, but then again she has actually said "I like guys with big dicks always have". She is so classy we love her!


Ray J - Just like Pamela, Kim K has had a few famous cocks in her mouth, ass and pussy. Remember her first video with raper Ray J that made her famous? Come on under a rock again they fucked like pros in that video. It does not look like that's the first big black cock Kim had ever had still. Ray J looked like he was packin' not sure who would win though Kanye or Ray J in the size department. All I know is to be able to fuck a girl from behind with her legs closed and get it in you are going to need to be pretty long.

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Jamie Foxx - Back in '09 a "leaked" photo of Jamie was seen around the world and everyone knew he was packing a larger than average one. Foxx, back then confirmed the pic was him on Conana and said it was taken when he was filming the 2006 crime drama "Miami Vice." The actor was working out to get ready for a nude scene. "My makeup artist wanted to see the before and after," Foxx explained.

Later in the interview, O'Brien mentioned Kirstie Alley had tweeted about a booty call with Foxx. Alley dished on Twitter, "I don't need to see Mr. Foxx's naked picture, I see him naked three times a week... standing over me... ooo be still my dirty talk."

The actor/singer told Conan, "I used to have a crush on Kirstie Alley back in the day" and added he likes his "women thick."


Brian J. White - from the film Redemption. White is a former football player gone actor. Looks like a nice one, maybe it grows into that black monster we all hear about.


Sylvester Stallone - Who knew Stallone did a few porn movies before hitting it big - I didn't but sure enough the Sly himself has admitted that yes it is a 22 year old him in the videos and images. Guess you gotta start somewhere.


Josh Duhamel  - in the buff, in case you don't know, Josh is the Star of NBC's hit show Las Vegas. Josh admitted these where taken before a few years ago while trying to make ends meet at a local college nude photography session. I think his ass looks great, run of the mill weenie so I don't think his weenie will make it into celebrity cock hall of fame, however I have heard he is a stand up professional actor.

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Sting - Sting won't be stinging anything to much with that - Sting was caught nude just a few years ago at a resort walking around, possibly picking his ass. All I have to say this is not his best moment - he has been married for something like 25 years so it may not look like much but hey she must like it.


Christian Bale - These are fairly old and from the, “American Psycho” movie, but you get the point, when these first came out plenty of women where disappointed but I’m sure his dick has gotten much bigger with the recent releases of “Batman” and “Dark knight "being such big hits.


David Beckham - We have seen David in his undies for years and he has teased up but here is a young 23 year old David in the buff at a modeling shoot. We think he looks even better older, but it does confirm his member is uncut. It's hard to tell in this image but Posh once commented "It's a nice good size for me". We can only guess she considers him a bit above average then - but hell it's David small or not I'd let him fuck me!

ffg hgg vf


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