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When it comes to cheating, middle-aged married women like the passion

When it comes to cheating, middle-aged married women - and not just men - not happy with sex lives are seeking extra-marital affairs to find that missing action.

According to an interesting study, when middle-aged women seek extra-marital affairs, they are looking for more romantic passion which always includes sex - and do not want to divorce their husbands.

“Being happy in marriage is far different than being happy in bed,” said Erica Allison, a professor of , sexuality and sport at University of Winchester in England.

During the study, Allison focused on 500 married females between ages 35 and 45 and their conversations with potential suitors online for those interested in having extra-marital affairs.

The researchers found that the large majority of women - 67 percent - were seeking affairs because they wanted more romantic passion, which always included sex. they where just looking for great passionate sex. Nearly all the women made it clear that this was not just a means to an orgasm but an overall body connection during there liaison. 

“The most surprising finding is that none of the 500 women were looking to leave their husbands,” Allison added.

Instead, they were adamant that they were not looking for a new husband. 

“Many even stated their overt love for their husbands, painting them in a positive light,” she added.

Women might be looking for sexual affairs because they were unhappy with their husbands or because they felt unloved by their husbands or because the passion of the sexual encounter was gone..

"Our results reflect not martial disharmony but the sexual monotony that is a social fact of the nature of long-term monogamous relationships,” Allison maintained. 

The most predictable thing about a relationship is that, the longer it progresses, the quality and the frequency of sex between the couple will fade. There is an overt desire for both sexes to try something new.  “This is because we get used to and bored of the same body,” she noted. Men seemed more overt in that when they cheat it's 50% ego and 50% any other new body. Something like a proverbial dog looking for some tail. 

With women they are very specific with there desire. Less willing to settle on just any new partner but looking for specific sexual experiences. The wife married to the banker looking for the blue collar stud, the tall and handsome instead of the smart and quirky. Or the quirky and nerdy instead of the stodgy and boring. 

While only 47 percent of women involved in the study discussed the number of partners they were seeking, of those that did, they all wanted an affair exclusively with one to two men only at a time.  

According to Allison, another reason why women might seek monogamy within their infidelity is that some women need to be emotionally connected to a lover in order to have fulfilling sex. Rarely where any of them willing to have a one night stand if they did not think it would lead to more encounters, where men where more than willing to have a one night encounter with no chance of a second meeting. 


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