If we leave out the really kinky stuff, like threesomes, anal, and overtly scary bondage what do I like that most couples should try? Well here is my list in order of what is sure to please the best with #1 being amazing!
7. We watched graphic porn together.
You have to have a really honest relationship to watch porn with someone because chances are what you’re going to like will becompletely different than what your partner will like. The first time my man and I decided to show me his favorite clip, a giant “HOLY SHIT” expression plastered itself to my face. Suddenly I was convinced my husband wanted to saddle me like a pony and ride me around an abandoned mansion.
But rather than saying “Oh my god, this is so weird,” I asked him what he liked about it, knowing we were both seeing different things. If you want to try new things in your relationship, you’re going to have to be equally open-minded and vulnerable.
6. We had sex in public.
We snuck out after dark with sleeping bags and blankets and attempted to do the deed in the middle of a park. The illicit thrill of being seen, the fresh air brushing across our naked bodies, the brand new bike path that had just been built three feet away from where we were getting it on. Thankfully the biker that passed just we were getting started laughed and encouraged us to “Have fun, guys!”
My husband’s boner went away faster than the guy’s bike as he rode past.
5. He tied me up.
I love being tied up, always have. The problem is I’m also a bit of a brat and insist on breaking out of every tie-up my husband has ever tried to put me in. “YOU’RE A DAMN EAGLE SCOUT! TRY HARDER!” I yell. In retaliation he went out and bought Velcro cuffs for my ankles and wrists that go under our mattress. Well played Boy Scout, well played Once I am tied up he has his way with me.
4. I let my man dominate me.
I’ve done a lot of research into the nuances and history of dominant/submissive (or D/S) relationships over the last few years. It’s nothing new, doms and subs have been around for centuries and there are varying degrees found in every socioeconomic culture across the country (and probably the world.) The key to any D/S relationship is trust — and I trust my man more than anything else in the world. One night I simply asked him if he would just use me and fuck the shit out of me!
When you can be completely consumed and overtaken to the point of bumps and bruises, but then curl into each other when it’s over and know you are safe, loved, and respected, there’s nothing better.
3. We mutually masturbated.
Following the aforementioned confessions, mutual masturbation may seem boring. But in a world where many religions preach masturbation as a sin, I say death by dildo! How can you truly know what you like if you’ve never figured it out for yourself? Many marriages only have it where there is only touching each other, not yourselves (at least not in front of each other) and the first time might be weird but it's not like no ones knows that people masturbate. Right? If not I am here to tell you everyone masturbates.
2. My two man fantasy without the other man
IF there is one fantasy I always wanted to try but never will it's the two men pleasuring me. Instead all one needs a perfectly good and willing husband than will either let you suck his cock while you ride your toy or grab a toy and slip it in your flower then let him slip in also.

1. Bust out the toys
I admit I like my toys. But I like them even better when used with my guy than all alone.
One of my favorites and awe inspiring moment is when my husband slipped my dildo in me and then proceeded to go down on me and have his way with my clit. The orgasm train then left the station!

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