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Q&A with a real life stripper Margo

Ever wanted to ask a female stripper some questions. Here is what we asked Margo who works in New York at one of the top male strip clubs.
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What is the best way to learn to dance are there any videos that would show me the techniques or different styles of dancing? I was wondering if I should take a private dancing class or if just plain dancing will get me by.
Dancing is something really best picked up on the job. I've never seen a girl really have a problem. If you're really worried once you're hired try showing up early before the club opens to practice.

Do Other X rated things go on in the club?
Some of the women go farther than others, most club owners and managers are actually women and protect the girls in the US. But there are some women that give blowjobs or handjobs.

You mentioned that it's fine to do girl-on-girl shows. What do you do to make it look real and entertaining? I've never done that before but the part that I am most nervous about is one on one with a strange person. Do you think that they require it, how far do you have to go?(I think I'd be fun but I'm a bit nervous).

Do you strip away from where you go to school and live? I am like you and do not wish to have anyone know I am stripping either. I live on the border of Mass. so I could easily go there for a job.
New York's a pretty big city and most of my classmates couldn't afford to go to my club so I'm pretty safe. A lot of our girls live in other states and commute into NYC to work on weekends.

I really want to be a dancer but I've really small breasts. It's kind of embarrassing- do you think I can still be a dancer?
Don't worry about your chest. I've worked with lots of girls who are totally flat. Different guys like different types of girls, many men prefer a more athletic figure. If it really bothers you just go get them done. But do it because it will make you feel better about your body not because you care what people think. Too many girls go through life hating their bodies and there's really no reason for it. A properly done augmentation cannot be told from the real thing and it makes clothes fit SO much better. Girls with implants tend to make more money but there's nothing to say you can earn a good living without them. Don't worry about it and don't buy boobs unless you really want them- I'm sure you look great just the way you are;) If your body embarrasses, you will not enjoy being a dancer. Keep in mind when your dancing that every single guy in the room would saw off his right arm for the opportunity to spend the night with you so they're hardly going to insult you to your face. That's the nice thing about stripping- men who wouldn't look at you twice if you were walking down the street drool all over when your on stage.

Have you ever slept with a customer?
A few times yes, but only because I was attracted to them and never for money. 

Have you had sex at the club?
No, that is a severe policy violation. I have grind on plenty of men and they came in there pants though. 

You said that you earn $600 to $800 a night. I just started dancing 2 weeks ago and still haven't made more the $150 a night. What am I doing wrong?
It depends a lot on what city you're working in and 2 weeks is still fairly new. When I started it took me about a month before I started really making money. Those first few weeks were so depressing- a couple of times I only made cab fare home! If I were you I'd try to get a feel for what the other girls are making. If they've been there a year and are still making only $300 a night then perhaps you should look for a better club.

I really want to be a dancer and my boyfriend says he's ok with it but do you think that he will really be able to handle what I am doing?
Most boyfriends are okay with it for the first few weeks. Then jealousy can start to set in. They imagine you're doing all sorts of things at the club at night when they're at home. Or if his friends find out they can try and get him worked up- they say things like "man, how could you stand to have other men looking at your girl like that, I'd never let my girl do that" This can start to build up and eventually leads to a big fight during which all his suspicions come out and it gets pretty ugly. BUT DON'T WORRY! It doesn't necessarily have to go that way. It really depends on how secure the guy is- him having a little bit of an ego doesn't hurt either. But keep in mind it does take work- most dancers are single.

Does it matter if your body is not perfect? 
No it doesn't matter. Women come in all shapes and sizes and men know that. Men come to strip clubs to enjoy woman- not complain about them. Things may be different elsewhere but I have never heard a customer in my club express displeasure at a woman's body. That's one of the big features of the job- all those guys worshiping the ground you walk on. But keep in mind though that the better you look the more money you will make. Diet, make-up, exercise and yes sometimes surgery can turn any girl into a hotty. If you are determined enough there is no reason your body can't be spectacular.

Remember you don't "have" to do anything! This is very important. Lots of new girls get taken advantage of. A customer will say something like "well the other dancers let me touch their crotches" and the girl feels like she has to allow it otherwise she won't get customers. Remember you don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with and if the management tells you differently leave and go to a better club. Girl-on-girl shows are always at the dancers discretion. That being said you're not going to be thrown into a 2 girl show on your first night. Watch the other girls see how far they go, what they do. When the time comes find a dancer you're friendly with and discuss it. As I said before it's lots of fun. And it doesn't mean you're a hard core lesbian or anything- just a girl having a little fun. Anyway, not every club has girl-girl shows.

Do you have the same choreographed dance you do all the time, or do you have different styles of dance for different songs?
It's pretty free flowing, I move from one routine to the next at will. It would get pretty boring if I did the same thing every night. You just go with the music. A good DJ helps.

Do you do lap dancing? And if you do, do you find it demeaning, or would you say it's a good way to make more money?
I don't lap dance right now (that and touching aren't allowed at my club) I think I prefer it that way. A lot of girls think they'll make more money working at a club that allows lap dances but that's generally not the case. I have done lap dancing in the past. It does not bother me and obviously the better looking the guy it helps. Some girls prefer it though- in some ways it's easier. Dancers at "gown" clubs have to stay in better shape. A guy won't buy a dance from a chubby girl if she's not going to bump-and-grind. It's a question of personal preference, if you find lap dancing demeaning then don't do it.

Do you feel a guys junk lab dancing?
In some cases yes, depends on if the guy has big junk or not or if he is hard. Believe it or not some men don;t get hard and never do. Others are hard probably the minute they step in the door. 

Does feeling a mans penis gross you out?
This is a job for me so in most cases no unless the man smells are it really overly gross. sometimes it can be a turn on even. I pretty much have seen and felt it all now. You can;t judge a mans penis by his stature I can tell you that.  

I'm 5'10... do you think I should wear the 4 inch heels, or do you think I'd be too tall?
Go for the 4 inch. The main purpose of heels is to flatten your stomach and lengthen your legs, the height thing doesn't really matter. If you're worried, a two piece dress or thigh high stockings will make you look shorter. Just avoid standing next to the really small girls. I was once dancing on stage with a beautiful dancer about your size but the difference in our height made us both look bad. I looked like a midget and she looked like a giant. Something to keep in mind.

I would like to become a stripper and heard something about a "house fee" (something about the strippers having to pay to strip? not sure) I was wondering if you could let me know what that is exactly?
Most clubs charge a house fee. Dancers love to complain about this but few of them understand the economics behind it. House fee covers the cost of dressing rooms, security, make-up artist etc. At my club house fee it's $75 a night. Some clubs go as low as $20. At a club with a higher house fee you will definitely be making more money so don't use house fee amount as a criteria for choosing a club. You should expect house fee to work out to between 10 and 20 percent of your nightly earnings. Calculate it at the end of a month:
If in 1 month at 3 nights a week you made $6000.
Paid out $50 per night in house fees. ($600)

That means your only paying 10%. I consider up to 20% fair. If it were to go higher then that for at least 2 months I'd think about changing clubs.


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