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Black or White ones?

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="300"]Black or White ones? The white one is an average one. Just not hard yet[/caption]

I get asked all the time if black men or white men have bigger members. We have talked about what it takes to get the job done but I have avoided answering the race size question until now. As long time readers know I do have some experience in this arena but I also brought in a guest blogger to help me out.

So me first... The stereo types seem to be correct, Black, White, Asian, Middle Eastern and so on. YES, there I said it! Most black men where on average from what I saw bigger, but not by much. Asian men where smaller, whit men where average and Middle Eastern men also in the big category. Mexicans where also average. Most black men where not small, in fact I can only recall one small black man and most of the larger ones where black. but my biggest was white. I can think of many small white men, and most of the Asian men I would say where on the smaller side but average. None of this usually had anything to do with how good a lover they where though, you had to have the big skilled one to really make a difference.
    Doctor Christine Webber MD Urologist weighs in.

Sexy Sara told me to just answer the question. In a word, Yes! most black males seemed larger than other races, but I need to throw in some facts.

In the last few years, it has become apparent that the average man's penis is not as long as had been thought previously and I don't want to get to long winded in explain it's not all size that matters. Yes, having a big penis can come in handy during intercourse because it has the ability to more easily reach and stimulate the g-spot. However, a guy with a smaller member can do that also, if he just knows how to use what he’s got.

For decades, medical books and articles in the press have confidently stated that penile length is generally about 6.5 inches (16.5 centimetres).

As a result, a lot of males who are slightly shorter than this have felt rather inadequate.

However, it now seems that the statistics on which this 'average' was based could well have a serious flaw. It is this: the figure was originally calculated by collecting measurements that men had carried out themselves!

Self-measurement of this sort is notoriously unreliable.

Why? Because so many males don't know where to measure from or use inaccurate rulers or ancient tape measures..

Also, there's a tendency for guys to round their 'scores' upwards, in an attempt to make themselves sound better-endowed. And the results tend to be skewed by people who falsely claim to be 10 or 11 inches long. As a urologist I have seen a penises this large but it's very rare.

In recent times, a number of scientists have attempted to obtain more reliable figures, by the simple expedient of employing a trained person to carry out the measurement of each man..

And the results, which they have produced, seem to indicate that the average adult male is considerably shorter than had been thought.

In reality, the mean length of the erect penis appears to be only about 5.88 inches (14.9 centimetres), which is considerably less than the 'old' measurement..

Does all this matter? If you're a woman, you probably think that this concern about fractions of an inch is rather silly.

But if you're a man, you will know that such matters are – somewhat irrationally – of considerable importance to many males..

Average size of erections.

We've talked about the length of the penis in its ordinary non-erect state, but how long is it be when it's erect?.

Interestingly, most penises are very much the same size when erect.
The man whose non-erect penis is smallish will usually achieve about a 100 per cent increase in length during sexual excitement..
The man whose non-erect penis is on the largish size will probably manage about a 75 per cent increase.

So you can see that even if a man has got a 'small' penis, he's got a built-in compensating factor that will bring him up to about the same size as the guy who appears to be 'better equipped' in the shower room..

As we've already said, the average penis is now known to be appreciably shorter than was traditionally thought. Most authorities now say that the mean length of the erect male organ is between 5.1 inches (12.0 centimetres) and 5.7 inches (15 centimetres)..

One of the most accurate and scientific pieces of research on this subject was carried out in Mexico on behalf of LifeStyles condoms. Under the supervision of a doctor, four trained health professionals measured the erect penises of 300 men (who were mostly young Americans).

They found that the average length was 5.877 inches (14.93 centimetres) – far less than the figure which had been generally quoted in the past..

A review published in the British Journal of Urology in 2007 broadly confirmed this finding.

Sex and women.

Many men forget that to a female, it doesn't really matter how long or how short your penis is, because the vagina will accommodate itself to virtually any length
The vagina of a woman who hasn't had a child is only 7.5cm (3 inches) long when she's not sexually excited. The figures for women who have had babies are only slightly different.
Even when aroused, a woman's vagina usually extends only to a length of about 10cm (about 4 inches)..

This means any man's penis will fill her vagina completely, unless you happen to be one of those rare guys with an erect penile length of less than four inches..

You're probably now wondering how the average man with an erection of six inches manages to insert his penis into the vagina at all..

But fortunately, the vagina has the most remarkable capacity for lengthening if something is introduced into it gradually..

So the exceptional man whose erect penis is eight inches long or larger can still make love to any woman, providing he excites her properly and introduces his organ very slowly. If he does this, her vagina will lengthen by 150 or 200 per cent to accommodate him, remember a baby can make it out so a large man can make it in.

In the end this size debate will be ongoing as long as we keep having sex, but it mostly does not matter.


  1. […] lived up to the stereotype of “black men have bigger penises”, however read my post on Black or White Ones for a better discussion. In the end though I was unwillingly to put up with there juvenal behavior […]


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