One of the risks of deep penetration is that a man's penis can hit his partner's cervix if he thrusts too hard or too deeply during sex. A position that makes this less likely to happen is the one where the woman lies flat on her belly, spreading her legs as wide as possible, while her man penetrates her as he lies on top of her. This position has the added advantage of allowing excellent G-spot stimulation during sex.
There are a variety of other sex positions which allow the man to penetrate his partner deeply. Unfortunately, many of them depend on one or both of the couple being very flexible. In the first position shown below, the man may have to pull his partner towards him to ensure he gets into her vagina deeply. The second position shown is reputed to allow deep penetration, especially if the man lies back on the bed so that he is horizontal. The third picture shows a couple having sex in a position where deep penetration is certainly possible, but the actual depth to which the man enters his partner is controlled by the woman. Another good position for deep penetration is shown in the fourth picture, where the woman is on top, lying along her partner's body. And last (but not illustrated below), is the classic rear entry position where the man stands behind his partner as she bends forward from the waist, perhaps even bending far enough to touch the floor.
Deeper penetration than usual is possible when the woman lies across the bed, her head supported by a pillow, her buttocks on the edge of the bed, and her legs bent with her feel parallel with the floor. The man places himself between her spread legs and lowers himself until he can put his penis into her. He will have to bend his trunk over her, but only sufficiently to bring the penis to a point where it can penetrate her. He should support himself on his hands with his arms stretched out, or, if they are long, bent as little as possible to allow the angle of his body to provide penis-vagina contact. To obtain the deepest penetration in this sex position, the woman should keep her feet firmly on the floor throughout sex, for as soon as she raises her feet or stretches out her legs, the vaginal angle changes and penetration immediately becomes shallower. The higher the bed from the ground, the easier the man can make contact with the woman and the deeper the penetration. The most effective contact is made if the bed is so high that the two pubic areas are on the same level.
Some modern beds are low enough that they permit intercourse in another face to face sexual position; here again the woman lies across the bed, her buttocks on its edge and the man kneels between her legs. If his pubic area is below her he must kneel on something - pillows or a footstool, or whatever is convenient and of the right height - to bring it level with hers. Having got as close to the bed as he can he places his hands under her thighs and draws her vagina on to his penis. She then raises her legs until they rest on his hips, and if possible crosses her ankles behind his back. He supports her thighs with his hands throughout sex. Though he cannot use his hands or mouth to stimulate her, there are compensating contacts, for in this lovemaking position the clitoris is most often brought into direct touch with the penis and is stimulated by the man's thrusting movements.
Another variation of this sexual position gives almost the same penetration. The woman lies lengthways on the bed - i.e., from head to foot - and the man kneels between her legs, squatting backwards on his heels. Again supporting the woman's buttocks with his hands, he works his way forward until his knees are right under them and her vagina entrance is above his penis. He then lowers her vagina over his penis. In this position the woman must make the movements, which should not be so great that the penis, once in, leaves the vagina.
As a variation on this, and depending on the suppleness of the woman's legs, she can raise one leg at a time, so that eventually her heels rest on her man's shoulders. Or she may only so raise one leg; or during intercourse, she may alternate them. Whichever she does, she increases penetration. This posture can be taken up when the woman lies across the bed and the man kneels on the floor.
None of these postures is 100 per cent successful when the vaginal entrance is set forward. If, however, it is set back, they are really ideal.
Without doubt the greatest sensations of deep penetration, and actual deep penetration, are provided by the next sexual position. It is called the woman-astride position, and besides making really deep penetration possible - even the average-length penis will touch back areas of the vagina it has never been able to reach before - it has several other advantages during lovemaking as well.
More places where you can get great information about sex positions include a great sex positions site claiming to reveal "your best sex position" but with many valuable suggestions for improving the quality of your lovemaking. There are certainly no shortage of websites about sex and sex positions, though one problem is that the information is of variable value and often surrounded by pornographic illustrations of sex. We've always tried to avoid the images that offend by including only tasteful pictures of lovemaking from men and women in committed relationships, showing the joy and delight of sex in the context of an equal relationship between the male and female partner.
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