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Grab the shaft "Try this blowjob trick"

If you simply wanted to get a guy off as quickly as possible, all you need to do is lock your lips at the base of his cock and suction them up and down the bottom ¾ of his shaft at a quick, steady pace while pressing your flattened tongue against the underside of his dick. Make sure you are applying pressure with both your lips AND tongue. Keeping your tongue engaged at all times is key. I try to keep mine moving at all times. This is how you get 90% of guys off. It helps me keep from gagging to hold his cock steady at the base and bring my lips down to meet my fingers. You can do this very slowly for a more intense feeling, but make sure you move at a steady rhythm. Some guys like it faster or slower; you may have to ask, or more likely, he’ll tell you.This is your power move, the one that is actually going to bring him to orgasm. A true hooker blowjob needs only this one move; if scientists were to create a blowjob machine, this is what it would do. The other moves I’m going to teach you are artistic flourishes; you use them to add flair and style to your blowjob or to slow down the action a little.SALIVADon’t be afraid to just slobber all over his love muscle. It should be as wet and sloppy as possible, especially during your power move. A good blowjob makes loud, gross suction-y noises. When I’m done, I’m usually covered in my own drool and leave a wet spot on the bed.USING YOUR HANDSIf his dick is too big for you to take the whole thing in your mouth, you’ll need to use your hand too. Slobber all over his cock for awhile first so your hand will slide easily up and down instead of just catching on his dry skin. The most important hand move is the twister. When you slide your hand up his shaft, twist your wrist. A twisting motion gets you into a smoother rhythm than the straight up and down. Slide your hand up and down on the base of his cock in conjunction with your mouth moving up and down on the rest of it. The hard part is finding the correct grip: again you may want his guidance.Another good trick is to wrap your hand around the top of his cock and put your mouth over your hand. Then slide your hand down the shaft and your mouth down on top of it in a fluid motion until your hand meets the base of his cock. It will feel like you’re sliding your mouth all the way down him even if you can’t. It’s times like these I wish I could draw; I’d make little diagrams.THE BALLSI usually start out by paying some attention to the balls. There are three basic ball moves: you can put them in your mouth and suck them (LIGHTLY), lick them with a flattened cow tongue, or tense your tongue into a point and run the tip of your tongue all over them. I alternate between all three. Sometimes I lift them up and lick underneath his balls.Also, if you cup them while you are entering the home stretch, you’ll be able to tell he’s about to cum as they get higher and tighter.THE HEADMy next move is usually to give his shaft several long licks from base to tip. This is the ice cream cone move; it looks sexy, it’s a nice touch, but it’s not going to make anybody cum. While conducting the power move, I come up from time to time to give the head a little attention: sucking on it, moving my tongue in a circle around it, and flicking my tongue over that spot on the underside that all the sex websites tell you is el sensitivo. In my experience, guys don’t really go that wild over attention to that spot, but these are just flourishes anyway.I tend to get a bit wrapped up in my work that I forget to make eye contact, so head action is a great time to look up at him with puppy dog eyes and his cock in your mouth.FACE SLAPPINGI mentioned this in my tips to get him to cum faster, but at least once during the beej, I usually pop his dick out of my mouth and slap it against my tongue or face, then look at him while I rub his cock against my cheeks and lips. Guys are visual, this is just a little something dirty for him to look at.DEEP THROATI can’t really teach you how to deep throat, that’s between you and your gag reflex. The important thing, I think, is to make an effort to take him in as deep as you can, even if it’s only for a few seconds. It’s hard to explain exactly how I do this: try concentrating on relaxing your throat and jaw. As I mentioned before, it helps me to steady his cock with my hand when I go deep, and breathing in instead of just holding your breath also helps abate that “gonna puke” feeling.THE BIG FINALEWhen you’re ready to finish him off, go into the power move and don’t vary your pace for anything. If you’re cupping his balls, you’ll often be able to tell when he’s about to cum as they tighten up. I speed up a little bit at the end, and when I feel him start to come I push my head down as deep as it will go and suck slowly and intensely at the base, letting his cum just shoot down my throat.

Here is a good technique to get even the most unenthusiastic man off. I have done a variation of all these things before but a recent married I might add friend of mine told me about this. She was specific in her technique and swore by it - I admit when I followed her explicit instruction my boyfriend was done in less than 3 minutes! I might back off next time before he finishes! Below are her instruction.

The Greatest blowjob by: Married Mom

"You need to be somewhat direct with this technique, do your usual kissing and touching but when you sense he might be ready don't beat around the bush. I use a few sexy words and try not to make it sound to cheesy but I tell him directly I want to suck his cock, I want to feel the head of it in my mouth and taste him as I rub on him through his pants. I don't go on and on with the talk making sure to not use every line in the book. I quickly pull his pants off him in one motion, underwear and all. I grab his balls wrapping my finger around the top so they stick out at the same time I give him a good forceful (not painful) hand-job quickly as I suck on his balls taking each one in my mouth.

I then quickly proceed to sucking his cock - but I have my squeeze technique. Using my other hand, because I still have his balls grabbed tightly I wrap my hand around the very base of the shaft of his cock and squeeze it (not painful) tight. It acts like a cock ring but seems to stimulate the head of his cock more as it becomes thicker. I then get to work really sucking on him hard taking as much of him in my mouth as I can fit and making sure to very firmly push my tongue against the bottom side of the head of his cock with every stroke. I create a lot of suction when I do this - basically its a cross between a firm hand-job and a tight pussy! This is rough blow-job, on a mission, I'm in charge of your cock women technique. I keep this up, throw in a few you taste good, you feel good in my mouth a few ball sucks at the same time stroking him if I pull him out of my mouth. A man will never last if that is your goal. You can either finish him off or by that time he will just want to fuck you - from here you are on your own."


  1. Seems like there is a lot to get do e in a short amount of time

  2. You are right I have noticed if you hold the base of a mans shaft tightly when your sucking him it seems to work well.


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