I am still answering questions this month and next sent into me. One question I get since I have been with so many men is "What makes a man sexy?"
The definition of sexy is not limited to any one word for me, but instead involves many words, and it can depend on who you are asking. Some women do not give a man's looks a second thought, as to where other women may want a GQ guy with rock hard Pecs and abs of steel or that rough weathered look. Anatomical assets like a firm butt and the outline of a nice cock housed in a tight pair of jeans will normally warrant female attention, and even though this may not be a requirement on a woman's must have list, it is nice to fantasize about once in awhile.
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When it comes to the subject of facial hair, the majority of women seem to love the rough look but not all. In fact, the majority of surveys that ask women if they like facial hair on a man received a strong reply of yes, but when it comes to kissing them, they relate the experience as to being something similar to smooching a cheese grater, so it seems we are complicated still.
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Most dictionaries define sexy as sexually attractive; stimulating or arousing sexual desire. I agree with this whole heartedly, and the many things that men do or don't do can involve a lengthy list of things that make them attractive to females, or not. I have never wanted to accept the fact that chivalry has suffered from a quick death due to changing attitudes about being polite. Simply put, a man with manners earns high points in my book, and although many things go out of style, I would like to believe that good manners and good old fashion love never will. Sure a young stud with a great body and a big dick is nice but a sexy man is more complex than only that. The young stud with a great bod and big cock is only sexy from across the room sometimes.
A sexy man is: Has a job, a place to live, a car, helps around the house, takes care of his kids, treats a woman like lady. A big dick and muscles is just a bonus