Are you tired of your man getting done way before you are even close? No matter how slow you've taken things in the bedroom, you haven't helped him last longer in bed. Well, the good news is your sex life is not doomed after all. It just means it's time to try something different. Changing positions during sex not only breaks the monotony, but also guarantees long-lasting sex. Here are sex positions that will make your man last longer.
2. Face to face: Both of you kneel on the bed while facing each other. Let him enter you while you look into his eyes. Don't break eye contact at any cost.
3. Woman on top: Take charge once in a while and get on top of him. Change the pace by going slow at first, and increase your speed later on. This position will make you finish way before him, making this a night to remember for you!
4. The soft rock: Lie down on the bed on your back and make him lie down on you while facing you. Ask him to put all his weight on you and hold you instead of putting his weight on his elbows. Move together as he enters you. This position won't give him enough space to slide deeper inside you, making sex last longer than usual.
5. Lie on his lap: Ask him to sit comfortably on a chair, while you tuck a pillow under his knees. Lie down on his thighs, with your back on his thighs. Put your legs over his shoulders and let him have a closer look at what you have to offer. Ask him to enter you slowly while touching you where ever he pleases. More than anything, the surprise of this position will turn him on like nothing before.
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