I have taken one or several for the team on letting a man cum in my mouth, yea sure it can be erotic... sometimes. But don't try and convince me the shit tastes good or can be good.
Several people are out to prove we should develop a taste for spunk, though. The latest: A New Zealand beer that features…deer semen.
The Green Man pub in Wellington, New Zealand, will soon serve a “milked” stout that features “export quality” deer semen. But this isn’t your typical back-alley deer semen. “We only deal with the best,” pub co-owner Steve Drummond told Stuff.co.nz.
The beer will be served via hand-pump rather than force-carbonated like most beers, to give it a creamy and smooth texture. “There’s only one way to serve semen stout, and that’s hand-pulling it,” says Drummond, an apparent expert in the field.
But they’re not the only ones hawking semen cuisine.
For a mere $22.46, you can learn to cook with semen thanks to Natural Harvest, a cookbook filled with “semen-based recipes."
But really: Semen is all about drinking—or so Semenology: The Semen Bartender’s Handbook says.
We have so many questions: Who comes up with this stuff? Why would anyone in their right mind buy any of these products, let alone consume them? And finally (and perhaps most importantly): How long will it take us to get to the nearest shower?
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