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Threesome positions? Part I

Threesome positions? Part I

We have been asked many times to post some images and guides on threesomes. We figured we should start with some background information first. Considered by many to be the ultimate male fantasy, it's just as popular with women and threesomes have a long and storied history on the silver screen. From the steamy bedroom acrobatics of Denise Richards and Neve Campbell in Wild Things to the graphic sex displayed in Sunday, Bloody Sunday, many a savvy director has packed a theater with a well-executed menage a trois. Although the appeal of threesomes is obvious, executing one of these sexy trinities is easier said than done..

Whether you're seeking advice on how to pick the right girl, how to broach the topic with your significant other or the positions you should try. One thing to consider, while most men may have the fantasy of threesomes, with two women on them, and even having some fun with a buddy and a lady friend, the thought of being naked with another man, and that man brining a better body and bigger tool to the party usually is why the Male-Female-Male threesome is so elusive. The fact is if your a women reading this thinking your going to get two men naked in the same room with an erection you might be waiting for a long time.

Threesomes Fact
If you've ever fantasized about a threesome, you're clearly not alone. ABC News recently surveyed 4,000 Americans aged 25 and older and discovered that 14% of all respondents had participated in a threesome, while an additional 68% had fantasized about engaging in one. 2000 of the respondents where women and the other 200 where men. A suprising fact was that 47% of the men admitted to fantising about a threesome, but nearly 75% of the women admitted it. We think a lot of men where lying, but its suprising how many women have this fantasy.

Threesomes on AM
As appealing as they may be, threesomes can be something of a Pandora's box that, once opened, can destroy your relationship faster than you can "switch positions." That’s because a menage a trois isn't just about the sex. It's also about balancing the needs of all three participants in order to prevent petty emotions like jealousy and bitterness from interrupting your good, good gyrations. If you want to pull off a threesome successfully -- and save your relationship in the process -- it's essential to open the lines of communication and establish some basic ground rules. Otherwise, you might just find yourself participating in a onesome.

There's a whole lot of information on how to arrange a threesome, but there's very little about what you should do once you're in one.

Threesomes are not like regular sex -- they require both imagination and sensitivity. If you plan on having a threesome, you need to go into the situation with some idea of what you're going to be doing, you need some threesome rules.

Understanding these basic threesome rules will help you avoid some common mistakes that typically prevent you from getting the most out of your ménage à trois. There are various types of threesomes that you can enjoy, but we're betting that you're hoping for the type with two women, one of whom is likely your bisexual or bi-curious girlfriend or wife. What follows are the basic threesome rules on how to handle such a delectable, and potentially sticky, sexual situation.

threesome rule no. 1

Establish the rules
You're going to have sex with two women and all three of you have your own rules and limits, so understanding and respecting one another's comfort levels should be a top priority when you're establishing your threesome rules.

Because your relationship with your woman will likely be affected by this new experience, you need to be absolutely clear on which acts she's comfortable with -- and what to avoid doing -- in advance. She may tell you that she's uncomfortable with the idea of you penetrating another woman or even pleasing another woman orally.

You must respect her limits. Remember that each woman may suddenly feel jealous, so try your best not to shut either woman out and always give more attention to the woman with whom you have a relationship -- this is an extremely important threesome rule.

As well, you may end up feeling jealous if you're not the center of attention. Just keep in mind that the object of the game is to share sex between three people.

Also, remember that although some people try to drink their way to bravery for a threesome, drunken sex usually ends up being bad sex. If you want to have a cocktail or two to loosen up, that's fine, but no more. You want to be at peak performance.

threesome rule no. 2
Be as giving as you can
Although you may be hoping that the two women will give you 100% of their attention, the truth is that they're there to please each other just as much as they're there to please you. You may end up feeling ignored and should do your best to get over it.

The best way to approach this situation, and an important threesome rule to follow, is to forget your feelings for a moment and try to be as generous with your hands and mouth as you can.

Pleasure in one-on-one sex goes back and forth, but in a threesome it's more of a cycle that moves from person to person. So be patient; focus on turning both women on and the attention will come back to you.

Whatever pleasure you get in a threesome is a treat, so instead of expecting anything in particular (like getting oral sex from both women at once), enjoy everything that comes your way.

Keeping your hands moving and knowing when to penetrate are important threesome rules...


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