A handjob is probably going to take you back to the days of middle school behind the bleachers or in your parent’s basement. While a handjob is not the most erotic act that you can perform on your guy, it can easily keep them interested in your sex life. This sex act is nostalgic and can be a great form of foreplay right before sex.
If you have never been that great at giving this kind of pleasure, there a few things that you can do in order to increase his amount of pleasure. Here are a few ways that you can easily give your guy the best handjob of his life.
Find The Best Position
Finding the best position for the handjob is essential. You need to determine what hand you are going to use during the deed. Are you right-handed or are you left-handed? Some women find that giving it with their left hand, while actually being right-handed, gives their guy more pleasure. Determining the hand that you are going to use for the job will give you a better perspective on the kind of position you want to be in. This sex act can be used in a variety of positions.
You don’t necessarily have to be on top of him in order to give him a great manual orgasm. Try having him stand in front of you while you sit at the edge of your bed. You can also have him get on top of you and straddle your stomach. If he gets on top of you, he will be able to finger you at the same time.
Use The Right Lube
Lube is going to be essential for all handjobs. When you were first learning about jerking a guy off you probably did not use things such as lubrication or lotion. Using your hands on his penis can easily make foreplay even more erotic for the both of you. Even if you are just going to use your hands to give him an orgasm, the less resistance that you have on your palms and fingers is going to make it feel better for him.
Using lube can also lead to more pleasurable sex if the occasion arises. Don’t just focus on applying lube to the shaft or head of his penis. Make sure that you are also using lube on his balls. This will give him extra sensation.
Grip The Penis The Right Way
While guys love a tight vagina, handjobs are going to be a little different. Your hand is much more firm than the inside of your vagina. When you’re giving him manual stimulation the last thing that you want to do is cut off the circulation to his penis. It doesn’t matter how much lube you use, gripping him too tightly is not going to be comfortable for either of you. A lot of women complain that their hands and their wrists get tired.
Keeping a looser grip will not only increase his amount of pleasure it will also keep your hand from dying out. Grip his penis like you would a cup. You would not hold the cup so tight that you start to bend it and you shouldn’t do this with his penis either.
Invert Your Hand
Invert your hand the next time that you are performing this act on him. Pretend that you are holding a cup of water in your hand and pour it into the sink. Your hand should now be inverted. Use this grip style on his penis right before he starts to orgasm. This is one of the best techniques to giving your guy a multiple orgasm during a handjob. While it may not work the first, second or third time, at some point you will be able to give your guy a multiple orgasm through this technique.
Find The Best Speed
The speed at which you go during the handjob is essential. Some guys like their handjobs fast while other guys like them really slow. In order to gauge his response mix it up during the experience. It’s always recommended to start off slow and work your way up to a gradual speed. Some guys like the motion to be fast right before they have an orgasm while other guys like slow and steady motions throughout the entire act.
Ask him what he likes in the moment and use a little dirty talk. He should tell you exactly what he wants. Asking him what he like during the act is another way to get real feedback of what he wants and how you can improve.
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