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Size Does Matter, NO we are not talking cock today girls...

Size Does Matter, NO we are not talking cock today girls...

By now I am sure you all have read the new study that women find men with bigger penises more attractive, I wrote about it some time back. This post is about us today, our bodies and what men like. As you may know that's me the blue little number, I'm not and never have been some skinny thing, I have always had some curves, my boobs have gotten bigger as I age and my hips do stick out. I am also here to tell you men seem to like me even when I was selling those curves.

What does science say though? And as a side note how does one end up being asked to be in one of these studies, I'm sure they had no issue getting a bevy of men to participate and I for one would be happy to sit around and look at hot men with big cocks for the sake of science.

Many women suffer a great deal believing that they're not slim enough to be attractive to men, but as it turns out, all their worries and discomforts are needless, as men prefer a more rounded shape, according to Lavinia Rodriguez, a US clinical psychologist.

Her study found that men find a greater range of female body shapes attractive than women do, reports the Sydney Morning Herald.

The body shape that men generally find attractive in women has a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7. Translated basically men like curves in proportion to the rest of their body even if they are big. The study ended up proving that size wasn't as important as the proportions and the majority of the men picked a significantly larger women than expected.

Just as with the penis size study where by women picked a larger penis when given an option on equally attractive men. Men did seem to gravitate towards women with larger breasts when given an option also. Which only proves women want a big cock if they can have an option and men want big tits if they can have an options also. Both studies showed it was not the overall deciding factor. Another finding that is not a surprise is most black males found skinny women less attractive and avoided that shape in nearly every study. Again black men like big girls with big butts, hell we know that, they rap about it.


The men where shown live models both larger women and skinny women and the supposedly ideal women. The men's testosterone, heart rate, temperature, blood flow (yes blood flow in that penis also) where all measured as the men where shown these women. Surprise the study found that nearly every man in the study became more aroused when the "larger" girls walked in. Now we now men want to just get that thing wet anyways so I's sure every woman got them aroused but the study showed larger women seem to invoke more body ad chemical reaction in the men.


Men like curves. If you doubt it, consider actor Christina Hendricks, who stars in the television series 'Mad Men'. Today's men find her shape incredibly attractive, even though the show is based on 1960's standards of bigger curves are better.


Interestingly, in a study with blind men, the same ratio was found to be most attractive to the males in the study. Guess they let these men feel these women's shapes.


The average man is less bothered by a few extra pounds on a woman than her being what he considers 'too thin', they found.

And so, as the study urges, the best thing for both men and women, is to accept who we are and pursue having the healthiest and fittest body we are naturally capable of achieving.

We can of course start with letting go of any mistaken ideas of what is attractive to the opposite sex, since for us women it seems men like us pretty good just about any way we are, so if you got curves work 'em!


  1. I'm not really a boob man, give me nice legs and butt any day, but everyone is an individual. Yes, curves in proportion is nirvana. I think a lot of men are puzzled by much of women's insecurities. A lot of it probably originates from high school slants. High school can scar you for life. Anyway, that pic of you Jane at the top is perfect! It's nice to see the author of a sex blog is actually hot.

  2. Thank you for the kind words Mr. Peeved


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