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7 Quick things every women needs to know about men & sex


The 7 series of things men and women should know about sex is going to start this week, and there is no better topics to start with than men and the 7 Quick things every women should know.

1. Men are not good at sex. By nature they want to stick it in as many holes as possible as quickly as possible. Most men need taught how to fuck and my best lovers where those that clearly had a good teacher. I would pick an older man over a young stud any day of the week for my long-term pleasure. I can promise he will be able to pull out more tricks of the trade than the younger one! Don't get me wrong, a fun romp in the sheets with that young stud might be fun, but unless he had a good teacher it might get boring. My advice is to stick with a lover you can grow with and learn together or plan on teaching every new penis that shows up at your doorstep what to do. As a side note, men can't eat pussy good either until they are taught and ladies don't be getting on your high horse just yet thinking we are al that. Women can't suck dick either until they learn a few things, and we get off the hook on the fucking part for the most part.

2. They finish quick. Yes it's a fact of life men inherently will cum quickly. Most men on average last about 2 - 1/2 minutes maybe 5 minutes max! Again it takes training, technique and time for a man to build up some stamina, so don't plan on him lasting 60 minutes every time, this is why men need to learn how to eat pussy, women need to learn how to masturbate and both of you need to learn how to use some toys.

3. They jack off! Not much to say here girls. If you think he is not jacking off, he is lying. First off stop making him feel guilty about you. Who cares if he is jacking off, you masterbate right? You better be masturbating if you're not. Second, why not have him jack off for you. Not in the mood? Tell him you want to watch real quick. You will never get any sympathy from this women if you think your man jacking off is a bad thing unless it's impacting real sex with you.

4. They look at other women. Yes again not much here to discuss. The desire they may have for you is still there and is not the same as a man checking out the opposite sex. There are good men out there, that never cheat, lie or mistreat you. They never lose their desire for sex with you, but yes they are still going to look at a nice pair of tits and ass on a women just like you might check out a man or in many cases a women. I know I look at more women than at men.

5. That penis is not that big. They are not as big as they say they are and they are lying! Most mens penises are not all that impressive. If they tell you it's seven inches it's probably five. Does that mean you should call them out on it? No. But don't just assume they are telling you the truth. Should you tell them you want to measure it? No. However that can be erotic and I have done it many times. A confident man won't care in the long run, he knows he has ways of pushing all your buttons with whatever it takes. We do love talking about those dicks though and it's not going to stop. Even men with that have a big penis talk about the size. So embrace the penis talk! (Hint - Figure out hi size without a tape measure: With an erection, all she needs to do is push your penis up and against your chest. Typically, and your mileage may vary, if the head of his penis extends to the top of his belly button, it means he is at least seven inches in length in most cases. Next comes the girth or penis-shaft girth size. All you need for this easy task is to make a circle with your thumb and forefinger and place it over his shaft. If you have to spread out the circle by distancing your two fingers, this is good news, he is on the thicker side. Just remember where your fingers where in that circle and compare it to a toilet paper tube. If he fits inside with plenty of room, he's smaller, if not he's larger. A toilet paper tube has a diameter of 1.5 inches (which is a girth of 4.7 inches). There you go now you know. Or you could just ask him.

6. Stop making them complicated. Girls! Please stop thinking men are complicated, they are not! You are! If you are trying to figure out men by the time you are 35 then you need to really stop and learn a few things. Men like: sex, tits, ass, pussy, blow jobs, touching all of our fun bits, cuming, talking about sex, looking at women and everything else you think they should not be doing but are! Does this mean men should be pigs? No. But it does mean you can't take the "man" out of the man. A well raised boy will do and think all these things but he is respectful about all of it.

7. They are visual. Why women and especially wifes have an issue with this is beyond me. They are wired that way and you better be ok with it since that's why most men feel like most women are sexy, even the ones we think are ugly. Instead you need to as a wife and a women embrace it and when the time is right give them a tease and a show to feast there eyes on.


  1. #1 is so true. Men are terrible at sex until we have shown them what to do

  2. […]… […]


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