This is not for the faint of heart... or arms, legs or back - so if the man is middle-aged and not in great shape, they may want to skip this position. Your man better be strong and long! There are two common ways to get into the Stand & Carry position; the safer being to stand into it from a position like Delight, and the more difficult being to get into it from a standing position like the Dancer. Whichever method you choose, remember to stay within your limits as one joy-ride isn't worth the rest of your life with back problems! It can be difficult for the man to control depth in this position I should note so if you can't take all of the man you might end up with all of him by accident doing this one.
This is not for the faint of heart... or arms, legs or back - so if the man is middle-aged and not in great shape, they may want to skip this position. Your man better be strong and long! There are two common ways to get into the Stand & Carry position; the safer being to stand into it from a position like Delight, and the more difficult being to get into it from a standing position like the Dancer. Whichever method you choose, remember to stay within your limits as one joy-ride isn't worth the rest of your life with back problems! It can be difficult for the man to control depth in this position I should note so if you can't take all of the man you might end up with all of him by accident doing this one.
Another great advice piece.