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Rough nasty sex


I started out my young-adult life thinking I wanted romantic sex. I don’t know if that’s because, from a young age, they drill it into your malleable brain through ridiculous adages—like that girls are “sugar and spice and everything nice” but that “men are pigs”—or simply because, later on, I fell for the good-girls like soft romantic sex talk.

As I entered adulthood, this fable had crept into the sexual arena. Sure, some girls were “sluts,” I figured, but most girls were good girls right? I didn't start hookin' till I was 24 so from the age of 17 till then I was still fairly new to this sex thing. Sure I had sex earlier on, in fact I lost my virginity when I was 15 to a boy that was 17. I actually remember it well still, but not for the hot sex, but for the brevity of it. I think he was in me less than a minute before the act was done. I recall thinking how much work it was to get to the act and how disappointing a penis in me was.  It seems my mother and even my cool aunt made sex out to be all romance, it was all about finesse. Things might get “passionate,” but you didn't want to get too pornographic or rough or for it to last long. It was about the loving softness of it all from what I gathered from my adult females in my life.

It took one incident to shatter this pretty little lie for good for me.

I was 23 and had gone out on a date with a gorgeous man who just turned 31 years old. He was a stand-out athlete in college and still was in excellent shape. He had wide, tree-trunk, rock-hard quadriceps, a perfect ass, and other subtle physical cues. Not a muscle man, but very fit. He was sure of himself and I liked him for that. We had met with friends some time back and ran into each other one night at a bar. After a round of drinks, we ended up at my place, and before long, we were making out. Things were escalating and, at the natural moment, I smoothly unbuckled his ants. Until that point, everything was familiar.


Just as I pulled his pants down and saw a very hard cock greeting me, suddenly, out of no-where, he gave me a massive shove. I didn't know if I was scared or not for a split second. I ended up back on the couch, my skirt lifted up and startled. I looked up, only to see a huge, smug grin on his face. Figuring this was his odd, abrupt way of halting things, I sat up, ready to call it a night, only to be grabbed with both his massive arms and lifted off the ground. He reached around with one hand and grabbed my ass while kissing me more intense than ever. I was still clothed but his ants where half down and I cold feel his hard cock rubbing against me. I was instantly wet as I felt the head of his cock rub against my panties.  Again I was started as he turned me around in mid-air and in one pull had my panties around my ankles, my head shoved in the couch as he pulled my hips up in the air. This was either going to be my Penthouse-Letter moment or the beginning of some drawn-out legal troubles.


 I could feel my panties around my ankles were soaked through—as if you’d just pulled them out of the washing machine—and not with sweat. I’d never been this wet before like it in my life. Next I felt his cock in me, all it at once. He paused only for a second to warn me he was going to fuck the shit out of me, I was so ready for it I could only shutter back the words, "fuck me, fuck me". We had sex. As you can imagine it was the best sex I had ever had. I had several orgasms and remember the entire time he just used me as his fuck toy. He kept me bent over the entire time, slapped my ass, pulled my hair. When he was abut to cum, was the only time I saw his face during the entire act as he pulled my bra the rest of the way down and finished on my tits. I loved it.


In the aftermath of this incident, I told a lot of my girlfriends the story. Most of them seemed extremely interested. Most said comments like "I don't think I want that", "That never happens", "That's not how to have real sex" and moved on with a shrug. But one of them—the "older" women of our group, nearly 30 years old leaned over and said to me:
I’d hate to break it to you, but you found out the difference between a good fuck and having sex hunny. It's fine hunny, all women like rough sex—even the “nice”-looking ones.  There’s something about some well-placed aggression in a man that triggers something in their lizard brain. I learned it years ago, when I had this man tie my hands as a joke and then he went crazy. He then proceeded to fuck me like a crazy man. He pulled my hair, threw me around, smashed my face into the bed and had fun with me.

Like the Apostle Thomas, I had to see this for myself. I figured I’d let him turn up the juice a little in the sack, just enough to see if something happened, but little enough that I could backpeddle if necessary. But it wasn’t necessary. The first time I let him pull some hair, the appreciable rise in my volume prompted a noise complaint from my new lover. He started pushing my head into pillows, slapping my ass cheeks, firmly clutching my hips and driving his cock deep into me. I noticed the change immediately. After a month I began to get  several more noise complaints–some of them in writing. One time after sex, a girlfriend informed me that I may have bruised my neck. Sure enough I had a small bruise on my neck where he was holding me down as my hips squirmed while he fucked me When I apologized, she responded almost excitedly, “No. It sounds hot. I wonder if my mom ever had sex like this is all I could think.”


The more I talked to "older" women who actually have sex with men on a regular basis, the more I got confirmation that this wasn't just me. “Yup, we girls are way-way nastier than some men know, it's the ones that know we like sex are the best ones in bed” “That’s the dirty little secret”, “Most guys have no idea that their girlfriend used to have a guy that really fucked them—and wants—that kind of sex.” The comments piled up from my "older" friends.

There’s no doubt that getting really fucked sometimes is fun. From then on, I learned that there is all kinds of sex, and as a women I should not be ashamed of my needs as a women. The next time someone feeds you the good-girl-sex fable, be sure to ask if they are really having a fun sex life. These men and women that say these thins have no idea what they’re talking about.


Don't be afraid to have your husband, lover, or friends with benefits really fuck you sometimes. Don't be afraid to be a tramp in bed. It doesn't mean your still not a sweet lady - your just a sweet lady that likes some good rough sex!


  1. The only issue I see with this article is that I don't think you address the fact that some men are not good at fucking. I am currently dating two men. One is a lover and the sex is slow and sexy. The other man fucks! Its much more intense and dirty. My slow and sexy guy I don't think could ever do dirty intense fucking, that's why I keep my naughty boy around for those times mommy needs it good.

  2. I admit sometimes I like my husband to really fuck me good! Only problem is he cums to fast.

  3. Then he needs to work up his stamina try gel that makes him less sensitive.

  4. Try toys first. I have my hubby fuck me with a dildo hard first to get me worked up then he takes over and does not have to fuck as long before I cum


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