I post all kinds of positions for my reader enjoyment to try out. One position I get a lot of emails on is sex standing up. As a reminder not all these positions work for every couple and having sex standing up in any position can be a challenge. The physical strength it takes alone is enough to turn off most couples from try these. Even if your man could pick you up there is some risk in hurting each other should things go south.
Even with all this said it seems many of my female readers are giving sex standing up a try and they must have some young strong men willing to pick them up but it's still not working out? You ladies keep emailing asking how in all these videos and images the couples seem to so easily make this work out.
Ok ladies we need to talk about the anatomy of sex standing up real quick and get one thing strait... it takes a big dick! There I said it, it's true, he needs a long one for this. You still need to make sure everything else is lined up and your man has the strength to pull this off but in the end I have never had sex standing up without it being awkward or failing unless the man had a long one between his legs. How long? I don't think average will do in most cases. If he's in the eight inches or more range you at least have a shot for making this work properly. So if it's not working out and he keeps slipping out as my readers keep letting me know, maybe it's time to try something else.
This actually be a case where a longer one night work better.