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Full feeling with a dildo and a real cock

I Spent ages trying to come up with a fun title for this, and I just kept coming back to the most descriptive one: Full feeling with a dildo and a real cock. It's all I could think of. 
a) that’s exactly what happened and
b) it was one of the best things I have ever done. Ever.
I’d like to say that double penetration with a dildo is a normal Saturday night in my house, but that would be downplaying the gravity and excitement of the situation. Last week, I finally managed to do something I’ve been wanting to do for years. You see I have had the real thing in my past and I wanted to try it again - without the other man. 

Fill me up

It started, as many things do, with porn. We were watching two women getting gleefully fucked by a whole bunch of guys. Grinning and wriggling as they tried to reach for as much cock as possible, craning their necks to suck one more, that kind of thing.
The guys surrounding them, touching themselves eagerly – desperately – with an attitude that you often don’t find in gangbang porn. They weren’t fucking away to prove their athletic prowess, or with the straight-faced sincerity that’s so often a staple of men in mainstream porn: they were gripping frantically at hard their dicks, shoving each other out of the way, vying for the women’s attention, and they looked like they couldn’t believe their luck.
We watched the scene together. Him sitting on the sofa and me cross-legged on the floor in front of him. Top yanked down so he could see my tits while we watched. I could just make out his hard penis in his pants and could feel his solid hard-on if I pushed my head back a bit. Nuzzling closer, trying to crush myself against the heat of his body.

All I wanted right then was his cock.
All of the cock.
Not just a simple fuck – I wanted to feel full - taking as much as I could like it was a challenge.
And I wanted him to feel lucky.
I shuffled forward on the carpet. Arched my back and slipped down my jeans and pants. Wriggled out of them and threw them to one side while he unzipped, pulled his dick out, and started squeezing it in preparation for the fuck. My current bf is not a big man in the cock department and tonight I wanted to be filled up.
“I want you to fill me up, push your fingers in me and then your cock I told him.”
“I know what you want.”
“Fuck me hard and deep, like in the video.”
“I know.”
He lubed up his cock.
“Can you do this I asked?”
Yes. Yes of course he said.
“Head down ass up I was ready.”
Fingers pushed deep into me, he fucked my slowly with his dick while also moving his fingers. Sharp, hard strokes, but spaced apart. He held back, only pushing it in again when I whimpered for it. I wanted to be filled. I wanted him to be greedily fucking me. And he wanted to make me wait – to really appreciate it.
He wanted me to feel lucky.
Image result for dildoWhen I was moaning just a little too much – when my enthusiasm and wriggling and pushing and ‘pleasepleaseplease’s got too much for him to control, he pulled out and stood up.
“Stay there,” he ordered, while he went to get one of my dildos. As we walked back I looked up to see his hard cock flopping around with one of my favorite medium sized dildos in his hand.

It’s amazing, this dildo has an amazingly firm yet squishy feel with a pronounced head, plus a gorgeously shaped shaft. He slipped it in me and then slipped his own cock in me - I was in heaven. I felt pull and I could now better feel his cock and the dildo as they rubbed against all the lady bits inside me. 
The porn kept playing while we fucked, and short glances up at the TV gave me something to aim for. I wanted to feel the pop as each cock slipped inside me, filling me up tightly like the women on TV.
I was so horny. So jealous. So angrily eager to get the same kind of hard, filled-up fuck that they were getting.
What else is there to say here? We fucked. We fucked really fucking hardA running commentary about how good it felt with his cock rubbing against me through the walls, and how tight it was and how hard he had to push.
One of the best things about greedy sex – the sex where I’m filled with as much as possible, so my pussy twitches tight around it, is the multiple orgasms I have, a few smaller ones then the big one as the sensation when he eventually cums. Hard fucking gives way to one final push, deep into me, his hand gripping my hair tighter and that delicious moan in the back of his throat: unnngh. And the feeling of his cock pumping hard as he cums.
I hope you understand now why I couldn’t give this any other title than this: Full feeling with a dildo and a real cock.
We did a thing I’d always wanted to do, and we both felt fucking lucky: to call it the ‘best night ever’ is to damn it with vague, faint praise.


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