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I shave my pussy, do you?













I swear I just shed a tear cause my soul was just touched. 😢


UGH!!!! all too fucking accurate

Shaving your vagina hacks: 1) Don’t use shaving cream. It leaves too much stubble. Use conditioner instead. 2) always use a fresh razor. If one isn’t available you can hone your razor by rubbing it in the opposite direction that you shave in on your jeans or similar fabric. Make sure it’s sharp! 3) To avoid a rash/razor burn, apply unscented stick deodorant in the direction of hair growth after you towel off.

^ god bless you

seconding the deoderant trick, helps with ingrowns too

Im gonna add more onto here bc everyone deserves a shaved coochie that is smooth and non-irritated okay:- if your hair is really thick or hasn’t been shaved for a while i’d advise trimming it a bit before you start shaving.- it is suggested that when you shave you go in the direction the hair grows but then wait, that doesn’t actually remove much hair?? So I usually do it sideways going from one side to the other, so you aren’t going against the grain but are still removing the hair.- deffo use conditioner as it states above, i’ve also heard of people using coconut oil? But i haven’t tried that yet so idk how well it works.- okay so you shaved your coochie and it looks so cute so the next thing is, as soon as you step out the bath/shower get a wet flannel as cold as you can handle (i usually get this ready in the sink before i get in the bath/shower) and basically just pat the whole area with the cold water (DO NOT RUB) this helps close all the pores straight away and soothes the irritation.- the next step is to moisurise. Use something really gentle on the skin, unscented is best. I use baby oil but please don’t use that unless you don’t plan on having sex using condoms as ~baby oil erodes condoms~ again some people use coconut oil. - Don’t ever put any oils, conditioner, moisturiser inside your vagina or like near your vulva like don’t even use any product at all past the external labia please. - usually if this is the first time you have done it or you haven’t for a while let your skin settle a week or so if not longer as some irritation will likely occur and you don’t want to be shaving over the top of that. Trust me, I tried to shave at 14 and had no idea how to do it and ended up in a mess.Reblog to save a coochie.

reblog to save a coochie

Thank you

Coconut oil works wonders btw.

Started this post like ‘yes I will reblog because I can relate’ and ended it like ‘yes I will reblog for valuable information’

bless up

Mostly clean up there lady bits for aesthetic and hygiene reasons. I do it for both those reasons and because I am more apt to get some oral action.

Depending on where you are from your pubic hair might be more thick and wild than other women, and keeping it down simply makes you feel more fresh and er… ready for action!

Other women preen their mounds because they prefer the way it looks when it’s kept neat and short. Some women are the opposite and let it do it’s thing because they prefer the natural look. Either way it should be about what makes you feel more feminine or womanly.

There are women who like to remove all of their pubic hair because they enjoy receiving oral sex from their partners and want their partners to be able to see exactly what they are doing! Some men prefer less or no hair because it’s a bit naughty and allows them to live out private fantasies.

Mostly, if a man has expressed to you that he prefers a woman who waxes, it is probably due to hygiene and both of you feeling confident for him to go down on you.

Now not to be rude, but if you have a forest going on down there how do you expect him to find anything let alone deal with all the pubes in his mouth. My advice is to figure out what works best for him and you - just ask if he likes it and make adjustments as needed ladies.


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