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Sex toys for men - A fake pussy

When guys email me for sex toy buying advice it's usually for the women in there life. When women email me it's typically for themselfs, but every so often I get men and women asking about toys for me other than a cock ring or a girth enhancer.

The only thing basically left for a guy if your looking to stoke his cock is the infamous Fleshlight; the colorful ones that aren’t meant to resemble any part of a female (or male) anatomy; and the larger ones that are molded from a porn star and are a big heavy hunk of rubber that is basically the whole pelvic region, like the naughty bits section was sliced out of a mannequin. 

Time and again there’s only two I’ll recommend after using several on the men in my life. The Fleshlight and the Tenga Fliphole. Yeah, they’re more expensive than a simple jelly rubber sleeve but you’re going to enjoy them a whole hell of a lot more and several of the knock offs are not bad but you need to look at the quality.

You might not need to worry quite as much about material when it's getting slipped over a dick versus us putting something up our pussy but you still don't want a piece of junk to fuck. One thing that is nice about the The Fleshlight is the basic model will accommodate most men's sizes, unlike dildo's which come in various sizes to accommodate women's preference from smaller or in most cases larger.

The Fleshlight is approximately 10 inches in length and 3.5 inches in diameter with an insertable length of 9.5 inches, so even the biggest of boys should work out just fine. Fleshlight does sell many different sleeves giving you a lot of options. The two other main sizes, a magnum which has an insertable length of 11.5 inches and is slightly wider at 4.5 inches in diameter for men with more girth. Thesmaller model is called Virgin which is 7.5 inches in insertable length and 2.5 inches wide for men that have a shorter penis and less girth. I never found a reason to use the the larger model on a man. Even the biggest man I tried it on did not fit all the way in but it did not seem to matter and his large girth still worked out.

I did see how the smaller model was of benefit for a few men I tried them out on. Men that seem to be in the 5-6 inch in length range like my bf and are skinnier or average might get more pleasure out of the smaller model.

DESIGN Fleshlight:

The sleeves and the cases are able to separate for both cleaning and to try out different sleeves with different textures and internal widths. The sleeve is open at both ends for cleaning and for suction adjustment. Fleshlight can be nondescript and the design is, obviously, meant to resemble a flashlight (but not realistically). You can get the sleeves in Beige, Pink or Clear. You can get the cases in a few different colors, too.

The common is pink sleeve w black casing. The first Fleshlight I bought my boyfriend years ago was the all clear one, so that when I used it on him I could see what’s going on. There is a bit of a difference though in the materials, the clear sleeve is a little more sticky/tacky when not dusted in cornstarch. The colored ones feel more realistic.

I prefer the clear one since visually it was more appealing seeing his cock.

Tenga Flip hole: There’s 4 different versions with the Fliphole and if you want to try all of them you have to buy all of them, they don’t have removable sleeves. However, the Fliphole opens clam-shell style to make cleaning (and drying) easier and more thorough. Fliphole looks geeky and techie and not like a sex toy but its cool and unique enough that if someone sees it, chances are they’ll ask what it is.

CLEANING Fleshlight:

You have to clean these after use or you will ruin them in short order from what I’ve heard from various sources. (however one of the top male toy reviewers at EF says he has put off cleaning until morning a number of times and no mold ever occurred) Due to the material you can’t use anything other than water (yes, this means no soap), maybe some isopropyl alcohol if you really need it. Which means it can take longer since it’s a tube and you can only use water. You have to let it dry completely in a ventilated area or it could mildew. I wrap mine up in a paper towel and then perches it upright in the case. Tenga Fliphole: Splits in half clam-shell style and you can use water & mild soap to clean them. You can switch around the base to fashion a stand for the Fliphole so that it it can dry standing up and partially open.


They say that Fleshlight feels more real compared to any other masturbator. You can let the sleeve (and even the lube) sit in a sink full of warm water to bring it up to body temperature. The material is phthalate-free but it’s also porous so it can’t be shared – it’s a softer material with more “give” to it, more like flesh. Fleshlight can more easily accommodate a larger variety of cocks in term of length, girth and sensitivity levels all by changing up the sleeve. The sleeves have different orifice entrances – vaginal, mouth, anal – which offer a different visual look as well as a slight change in sensation.

You can vary the suction a little bit by the screw-cap base, having it off or on or partially on. My current man has now tried four sleeves – the Clear Non-descript, the SuperTight sleeve, The Ribbed and the Pink Wonder Wave. We got the Non-descript style first, and enjoyed it. I liked being there and watching, able to see what was goin' on. When we first opened up the packaging though the sleeve was a little cold; combine that with the sticky.

The sticky went away though as soon as it was wet. He liked it; but required the extra tightness of his own hand to kick over that final ledge to orgasm. The non-descript and other “original” orifices are all the same tunnel style – smooth (no texture) and the biggest width. It’s good for guys who are really girthy or really sensitive. Current bf is on the smaller side and not overly girthy so he preferred the Super Tight Pink Lady sleeve and the Wonder Wave better. Also we both felt that the Pink material felt a little more realistic than the Clear.

Now I'm not cheating on my bf but for the sake of this article I did have a few other men try out the other models for me and it was obvious that the more well hung the guy the less likely they would like the smaller tighter models since they don't stretch or give like a real pussy. One of the men that I had try these out is very well hung and thick and he could not comfortably get his big cock into the Virgin model where my bf felt that one was the best for him. Make sure you are getting the model that you will like specifically for you and don;t let the mans ego make a bad purchase.


Anyways. While he didn’t think that the Fleshlight was *better* than real live pussy or oral sex, he did find it to be a very nice alternative to his hand and did admit the Super Tight model was well tighter than me and I could see it hugged his cock more than my pussy does. Not necessarily his everyday preferred method, but he really likes it.

The Non-Descript was 3/4″ tunnel and the Wonder Wave is 1/2″. There are ones that are more snug (with no texture) and ones with more intense texture. The Non-Descript is rated a 1 out of 5 on the “Intensity” scale that Fleshlight uses, whereas the Wonder Wave is a 3 out of 5. For frame of reference, my man is about 1.5″ diameter or so and 6.5″ in length.

For men that fall into the average cock size range in length and girth, and who like a more intense sensation, Fleshlight came out with their “Sex in a Can” line. The material of the Fleshlight is super stretchy and soft so that 1/2″ wide tunnel didn’t feel constrictive, just snug.

All in all though, the Clear Non-Descript we’ll only use when I’m there; he much prefers the snugness and texture of the Wonder Wave.

Tenga Fliphole: 

The textures are different on each half of it, and the shapes are kinda like mirror images. For example, where one side has two little nubby balls on the left and right, the other side has one nubby ball in the center and when closed it all lines up. Where one side has two large nubby balls with an entrance slit cut in, the other side has a large convex portion.

The clear material has that weird “sticky yet not” thing going on. If it’s dry and you’re dry, and you touch it it feels sticky (yet your skin retains no sticky). If you’re lubed up or it’s wet, it just feels slippery and lovely. It’s very soft and squishy. The Flip Hole has three buttons along its length to change up the suction/tightness. You can make it more snug at the head than the base, more snug at the base than the head, etc. The Flip Hole Black has a most extreme texture of them all, with the White being the most soft and Red and Silver in the middle.

My bf tried out the Black version and absolutely loved it. Tenga has this very technical explanation page that compares the attributes of the different Flip Holes. Tenga actually makes a “hole warmer” that you would insert for a few minutes and it would bring the material up to something closer to body temperature. The only way to do this with Fleshlight is to remove the sleeve from the case and let it sink in a sinkfull of warm water for awhile.

FINAL WORDS Lube. Lubelubelubelubelube……and more lube. Water-based lube for the Fleshlight, Tenga according to manufacturer’s directions. Try out a few different viscosities of lube to see what feels the best, and always keep your lube nearby in case you need to “refill” during use. And also….you get what you pay for. Saving money on the cheap ones, 9 times out of 10, will just leave you disappointed.


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