I don't
understand the emails I get regarding their husband or boyfriend jacking off.
For all the women out there upset at catching or finding out your man might
jack off sometimes I am here to tell you that as long as he is not passing up
the real thing for his hand then he's probably normal. Just barbecue you
probably masturbate less often and deny it more often is not a reason to be
If somebody
wants to jack off, let them. It's not like you are going to drop everything and
come running every time your man suddenly gets horny for five minutes. It’s
probably a religious thing - "jacking off is evil," or something.
Sexual ignorance I assume.
Ladies, let
me let you in on a little secret – All men like masturbating – Now don’t get me
wrong, just because a man is in a relationship it doesn’t mean he will stop
masturbating 100%, but if you are LIVING together, both employed and there are
NO kids in the picture, anytime his richard pops up you should be there to slam
him back down like the weakest dude in wrestling class.

YES, there
are times you will go without having sex for an entire roster of different
reasons, but there is NO excuse for your love life to dissipate to the point of
him cheating on you with Palmela on a constant basis. Am I saying it's a
woman's duty to please her man?
No, not in a
demeaning way but yes in a let me take care of that way I am. So allow me to
say what most men won’t: Ladies you control sex. You control it’s frequency AND
intimacy, and as men it’s our job to handle business and take care of
satisfying you and keeping richard up to the task and not ungracefully bowing
out early like Tyson knocking out Berbick. But with that said, the sexiness you
bring to the table is what will determine the intensity of your sexual
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