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How to fuck your lady with a dildo (Horny housewife)


A Dildo Is Not A Penis

First things, men – A Dildo isn’t a penis.  While it may look similar, and some of the new ones may feel close to a real penis, having sex with a dildo is different, and I’ll try to explain. When a girl opens her legs for her man, she feels a connection, warmth and love. In stark contrast, a dildo may feel good but unless the man is in the room there is still the emotional piece missing, and a warm cock is better than a cold one. 

First Step… DON’T Buy The Dildo Yet!

You need to figure out what she wants first. Does she have a size fetish? Does she want some girt? Length? Veieny, smooth?

How To Shop for the Right Dildo Together

Women are much more accepting of the idea of having sex with dildos or vibrators when they’re a part of the process. Most likely, they will chose one that’s a lot smaller than you had in mind. Do NOT point this out! No woman in her right mind is going to go straight for the 20 inch monster Mandingo dildo to start. Generally, women will want to start off with a  modest four to six inch dildo. Here’s where the “Make it or Break it” moment happens. 
Men, if you’re mission is a success with a four to six inch dildo, and she really gets into it and enjoys you AND it, your wife will be buying another dildo soon! That small little dildo is the key to bigger and better things, usually. When I picked the first one out for my husband and I, it was only six inches. I was a bit nervous too, because it was slittl a bit larger than my man. We want to make sure we are ok that you are ok with this. 

Which Dildo To Buy For Your Wife

Dildos and vibrators come in all shapes and sizes. If you don’t believe me, take a look at any online sex shop. The point is that you want to get the right one for your wife, and again, is she’s a part of the buying process, you won’t have to worry that you’re getting the wrong one.

FR6000B51f3230e4c282Smooth surface vibrators and dildos

You might wonder how a woman could like something with no texture, but here’s the key. These types of “insertables” as they’re called, look and feel luxurious, and are not designed to replicate the thrust in and out of a penis. Best for nights when she needs to feel pampered and really wants that slow, passionate, loving husband! These are designed for pressure. What this means is that you can’t be driving this think in and out. You use it to apply gentle pressure to certain areas, such as the clit and inside her. It is best used as an extension to your finger, allowing you to touch places your finger couldn’t reach, and put pressure in her deeper areas that don’t usually get that type of stimulation with a smaller penis.
It’s also a nice touch for a man to go down on her when he’s using this technique.
As far as the mechanics of using a small dildo, you vary the pressure with her erotic excitement, and she will come! Women aren’t like you men where friction is what makes you cum. Most women are looking for sensations when they climb to orgasm. 

PD146211-2Ribbed and Bumpy Dildos

These are meant for going in and out, boys, but not necessarily for thrusting. You can go slow or fast, but above all, make sure you’re feeling her body and sensing it. She’ll indicate how good it’s feeling, and if her hips come up to meet the dildo, you’re doing your job right! These can be slowly twisted while inserting or removing to give sensations to her that your penis does not make when you’re making love with her. I find that I love the feeling of a gentle twist as my husband rhythmically moves it in and out (Pro Tip – I also really enjoy it when he has a vibrator on my clit at the same time ) Be creative with this one, mix the sensations up between pressure and movement!

NW22253_2G-Spot Dildos and Vibrators

These are meant to drive a woman wild, but should only be used like the smooth surface dildos. You use this to apply pressure directly to the G-spot. Don’t use this alone generally because if your wife is anything like me, just pushing against the G-spot isn’t very satisfying. Go down on her, suck her nipples, make love to her with the G-spot vibrator in her so she gets the familiar sensation of you being inside her, but the completely different sensation of her G-spot getting massaged. This one drives me over the edge into multiple orgasms every single time! I love it!

Realistic Dildos and Vibrators

These Dildos are the ones that look like a real penis. Some have veins, some have simulated foreskins and others have other interesting features as well. These are the ones that you’d want to work her up to for fantasy roll-playing. If she is good with pretending to make love to another man (eg: you with a dildo), then these are the ones you’ll want to shop for.
I tend to really like different sizes actually. It’s really cool to make love to one size for a while, then have my husband switch to another size - that multiple partner fantasy thing. The sensations of taking on what feels to be a completely different (and bigger) cock drives me nuts! I can cum so hard from having sex with hubby with these types of dildos that I squirt when I come! Sooner or later, I find that he’s making love with me with the dildo pumped up as fat as it can go, and I’m screaming with ecstasy as he fulfills two fantasies at once! — Me having sex with another man AND me fucking a substantially larger cock!

Penis Extensions — The Holy Grail of Fantasy!

penis extenderOk, so I have to put this in here… although not officially a dildo, Penis Extenders (also known as penis sheaths) are probably the best way to go if a fantasy roll play is what you’re after. These extensions slide down over your penis and add either length, girth, extra texture or a combination of the above! My husband once made love to me with one that extended his cock three inches (making him 11 inches overall –  you do the math) and almost twice as thick as normal! It was un-Fu**king believable! I really felt like he was a totally different man! If you can get your wife or girlfriend to warm up to this idea, then you are about to find out just how hot and passionate she can be! — There is one warning I’ll give you — you gotta be careful, because if she’s loving it wayyy more than your cock naturally, then you might gain a small dick inferiority complex!


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