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I bought him a cock ring (Guest blogger Carolyn)

The only toys made to go on penises that I was aware of meeting Jane where ribbed for pleasure condoms, that never provided anything additional for me. I had heard of cock rings but had very little experience in dealing with them if any. I received a review item from a shop that Jane hooked me up with. Being married 23 years has limited my naughty side so when I opened and saw a little silicone string with a metal slider, like a bolo tie.  I was dumbfounded what I was supposed to do with it.  It didn’t even have a vibrator?

I was confused at first also about the size? Was this supposed to slip over the shaft of my husband penis? It looked to big! there was no way my man was thick enough for this thing. I know men come in large but how was this supposed to be "universal"? much to my embarrassment after asking Jane what the hell she explained this one looked to be designed to go around  the base of the penis and the testicles. She explained there are different size cock rings but that this one most likely was designed for either larger men or more likely to be put on over a mans balls and penis. 

I never bothered with cock rings.  They sounded rather silly to me and I didn't understand what they did.  But a few months after receiving that little silicone thing in my box my curiosity began to pique.  Maybe this was something I would like to try, and the rings  seemed particularly interesting.

A little bit about it: This cock ring cring2is made of a velvety (not glossy) silicone.  It’s about 2 inches in diameter and is made to go over the penis and testicles unless your man is well endowed and it may fit just over his shaft but that would be a big cock for sure.  It comes in a choice of red or black.
[Note: For the following information, please keep in mind these facts: My husband is squarely in the average range for length and girth at 5.1" inches long erect and about 3" inches in circumference, and keeps his hair trimmed but not shaved.  He does suffer from some moderate form ED.]
Rubber Ring -  3 Piece Set
What I loved: I’m honestly very impressed with this little ring.  I wasn’t really sure that we were going to like it, but it’s quickly becoming one of our favorite toys.
Let’s start with the material.  I love, love, love velvety silicone.  I mean, glossy is perfectly fine, but I love velvety silicone.  It’s one of the materials that I will just sit there and play with in my fingers.  You may be thinking that I’ve said that before.  I have.  And it’s usually about some awesome silicone.
It took a little practice to get it on, since it’s such a new thing to us, but once it was on, Husband reports that it was very comfortable to wear.  It didn’t rub his skin, feel constricting, or pull hair.  Once it’s on, it feels surprisingly not constricting, and he notes that it works extremely well even though it’s not really tight on him.
The ring pushes his penis and balls up and out, which is quite an erotic view.  This re-positioning allows him to hit deeper spots in me easier with a lot less effort. I admit he does feel bigger with it on and the head of his penis it fuller.  Plus, the ring really is excellent at keeping his erection steady and strong.  If I have to get up for a minute to get a cushion, or more lube, or handle some unforeseen issue, we don’t have to work on getting his erection back.  It’s still there.
What I didn’t: The package claims not only to help erection, but also “enhance orgasms.”  Husband, however, says the ring didn’t change anything about his orgasm.  Not the intensity, not the duration, not the time it took him to get there. Others report that it can make you last longer so it could just be my husband. The other thing I didn't like it the fact that this had to we worn over his balls. There where times we wanted to try it just over the shaft of his penis but it's way to large for that so a different size would be needed. 
Final thought:  Husband and I both give a thumbs up to this little ring, and believe it’s well worth having in our collection.  The re-positioning of his penis and maintaining his erection make it well worth it just for that and the fuller feeling for me was a bonus. 
Follow up. We ended up purchasing a few more rings to try out. One thing to look for is both the Max stretched and Un-stretched diameter. Most people look at the un-stretched size but you need to look at both and get the correct size based on your mans girth erect and non soft. Is he a grower or shower?
My husband is a grower and is really small soft, so any ring we purchased he had to at least me semi erect before we could get it on and we took that size into account. Sizes range from 1.5 inches to over 4 inches stretched and un-stretched. If you don't want to ask to measure your mans penis you can just wrap your fingers around it next time your playing and take a visual finger measurement text. 


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