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No I said!

No I said! Different penis sizes do feel different I said. The conversation came up with a group of very married women. Most of them admitted to having only a few sex partners and almost all of them had been married for years. 

There where a few women who jumped in and agreed. the conversation continued. I said particularly when you're talking about girth. The pleasure I feel from vaginal intercourse comes mainly from the pressure of the penis on the walls of my vagina, bigger feels fuller. If the penis is thinner, it's not going to provide as much pressure/friction.

If it's very wide, it's going to cause my vagina to stretch, some stretching is really good and too much stretching is painful. Optimal for me is somewhere in between, but keep in mind that just as guys vary in the size of their penises, girls vary in the size of their vaginas---so what's optimal for one person is going to be different than what's optimal for another. the head of a mans penis makes a difference to. Bigger heads had rub the inner walls of my vagina or G-Spot more easily. Curved ones can be good also, some curve can be great, too much curve can be uncomfortable in certain positions. 

In terms of length, you can also tell. You can tell if a guy is so long that he hits your cervix with every thrust compared to if he doesn't hit it at all. Shorter guys can thrust away and fit all the way in without pain, hile longer guys needs to be careful. Not every girl wants a guy to hit her cervix---some women find it pleasurable, others find it very painful. The other thing is that the first 3 inches of the vagina are where the majority of pleasure receptors are located. 

You don't have to have a large penis to reach them----but, since the penis is sliding in and out over this area, a longer penis means that the guy is able to do a longer "stroke" across this area without falling out of the women's vagina,  I guess you could say that it makes the difference between a guy being able to do long, slow strokes rather than short, quicker strokes over that area. Both types of strokes are very pleasurable, it's just a difference of variety.

Having spent time with many men and in particular I dated a man who was about 3.5 inches erect for about 9 months, I have to admit that, although he upped his talent quotient in other areas, it still wasn’t enough to satisfy me. So I’ll go with the average at least 6 inches worth. 

Aesthetically speaking, though, the size just isn’t as important as the look in the grand scheme of things. a big one is sexy the thing though is It feels very different to be with a skilled lover than to have sex with an inexperienced person. Much more different sometimes than the difference between two lovers of equal skill, one with an average penis, one with a slightly bigger one. 


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