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My best climaxes are by myself

It's not so unusual for women to have there best orgasms by themselves. Toys now can really provide the catalyst and the climaxes you give yourself are more dynamic because you're completely in control of your pleasure. 
Why do I sometimes feel sad after I orgasm?“I personally have been having really, honestly great sex but – once in a while – I have to deal with crashing immediately afterward, sometimes feeling down or crying for a few minutes, sometimes worse. Do you or your followers know anything?”“Is it normal to feel a little weird after masturbating? Trust me, it’s incredible at first, but then after I reach my climax, I’m just like “What do I do now?"”This is an actual thing called post-coital tristesse, and it’s a real thing that affects girls and guys, after sex or masturbation.During sex your body is full of dopamine which is that crazy, desire-inducing “get up and go” chemical. It’s what makes you feel totally focused on getting off. Right before you come, you probably aren’t thinking of much else at all, right? Life is so simple!But after you’re done, your dopamine levels suddenly crash back down to normal (or maybe even below normal) and instead your body is full of prolactin, which is you body’s way of telling you “ok champ you’ve done the sex now. now you should go do other things, like find food or whatnot.” And not only are your body-chemicals a bit wonky, all those annoying things you’d stopped thinking about, like that assignment you have due in the morning, suddenly re-appear. It’s enough to leave anyone feeling blue for a few moments!The most important things to remember are…1) You can’t necessarily avoid this feeling. In fact the better the sex is, the more intense it can be. It’s like swimming. Swimming is nice! The feeling after you’ve swum is nice! But getting out of the pool sucks – especially if the water’s very warm and the air is very cold.2) Remember, it’s a feeling rather than a fact. This isn’t you suddenly ‘realising’ that your sexual partner was inappropriate, or that masturbation is dirty and awful. Instead, your brain is simply creating a short spell of fidgety unsexiness, to try and stop you from just having orgasm after orgasm until you die. It’s pretty natural and you shouldn’t feel ‘broken’ because of it; also, it’s caused by brief-but-significant chemical changes inside you, rather than indicative of some deeply-buried psychological issue you need to dwell on. 3) Self-care! It’s worth just accepting that this can happen sometimes and maybe, over time, pick up on helpful ways to ride it out. Some people like to cuddle after sex for just this reason, while other people feel a bit “CAN U NOT” and would rather be anyplace else. (Encouraging your partner to understand your needs in this regard is important too!) After masturbating, maybe it’s getting up and doing something productive, or just putting on some music you like, or whatever.4) Re-live the fun a little. After you’re done, it’s easy to be a one-woman flurry of jeans-pulling-up and porn-tab-closing and frantic “argh life”-ing, but hey: remember that neat orgasm you had like SECONDS ago? Sometimes it helps to quite deliberately take an extra little “hell yeah” moment (even if you aren’t 100% feeling it) and smile and stretch and squirm a bit and note your continued sexiness and basically give yourself the mental high-five you deserve.Finally, if this is causing you serious upset or having a real impact on your sex life, you should talk to a doctor.
You probably take the time to build your arousal (which leads to stronger orgasms) and focus on your erogenous areas -- like your G-spot and clitoris -- with the precise pressure, movement and strokes that catapult you over the edge. Your self-induced orgasms are also more intense because you can totally concentrate on your enjoyment; you're not distracted worrying about how much pleasure your guy is experiencing.
If your using a toy like a dildo you can make the stokes perfectly match your rhythm or a vibrator that can provide unrelenting stimulation. Since you know better than your man what exactly it takes to make your head spin, show him how to replicate your solo technique. Try giving him a tutorial by masturbating in front of him, which can make for an incredibly erotic encounter. Or, give him a demo with your hand over his, then have him mimic your moves. 
You can also amp up your arousal when doing the deed by having sex in positions that give both of you easy clitoral access -- like woman-on-top and doggy-style. While all these strategies should intensify your sack sessions, there's a good chance that your most earth-shattering orgasms will still be those you give yourself. But try not to get caught up in comparisons. 
After all, sex with your guy isn't just about the destination -- getting there is half the fun. It could also be that men still are clueless about women's orgasms or still they don;t care. There is still a disparity between good sex for men and women. 
Online learning“I have Skype, and I used to Skype with a lot of people I met through an app called WhosHere. I once met a girl through this app who was adorable and funny, and we hit it off right away. Soon enough we were speaking most nights.One night we were Skyping and we got on to a sexual topic, but she admitted that she had never masturbated or had an orgasm before I was shocked, but understood and we stopped talking sexual for a while.The next weekend, though, we slowly started talking about sex and masturbation and orgasms (kind of hinting at the fact that she had never had one before) and I got the courage to ask her, “Well… can I teach you how to masturbate?”. So very late that night, we started Skyping again. I encouraged her to touch herself and try different things, and I started to touch myself too. I would give her suggestions and instructions as we both masturbated and moaned for each other through Skype. Eventually she told me, “Ohh fuck this feels REALLY good!” And I told her to keep going and not to stop, not even if she got tired. I told her to tell me when the feeling got really intense, and then she would know she was cumming - or having an orgasm. She agreed and told me she was trying to rub her clit and stroke her g-spot at the same time. Her breathing got shakier and her little moans got more high pitched, and I moaned with her, encouraging her to keep going. Then suddenly I didn’t hear anything at all! I was worried that Skype had ended the call or something, but then I heard her blurt out through her microphone in the sexiest voice I had ever heard her make, “oh fuck I”m cumming!”. I listened to her moan and I heard her microphone rub against her and her bed as she writhed in pleasure. It was so sexy listening to her cum, I couldn’t help but have my own orgasm right then and there, and I told her I was cumming too. Eventually we both came down from our orgasms, and she was on the top of the world saying things like, “WOW!”, “Fuck!”, “Ohh my God”, and, “That was amazing!” I teased her about it gently, saying things like, “See what you’ve been missing out on?” And then I asked her, “Are you going to do this again?” To which she replied, “CAN WE DO THIS AGAIN TOMORROW?!”I laughed and said, “Why wait?”Of course she was confused, but I explained to her that girls can sometimes have multiple orgasms if they keep playing. So, I got to listen to her start touching herself again, her hands rubbing against her sheets, and within a minute she said “Oh my god, I think it’s starting again…” and all I could say was “Me too…”Her rubbing got faster and faster and she whispered “I can’t believe how good this is…” It turned me on SO much. We both carried on for a minute just listening to each other and I told her how horny I was and each time she made a little moan and I knew it was getting her off. “Don’t stop,” I said. “It’ll happen.”And then she said “Oh fuck, fuck, it’s happpening… oh god I’m gonna cum again!” and then heard her experience her second orgasm. I could still hear her hands and fingers working fast and hard on her pussy, and she said she was “determined”. I was touching myself again by this point, and I asked her what she meant. She said, “well, I’m not stopping until I have multiple orgasms” I couldn’t argue with her; I was getting one of the hottest shows of my life just listening to her masturbate and moan through my earphones. Not even three minutes later she says, “I can feel it again… Ohh…. Ohh…. Ohh fuck….. FUUUUCCCK I’M CUMMING!” And with that she had her third orgasm ever.As she started coming down from her orgasmic-high, I could hear her whimpering, and I was worried that maybe she had overdone herself or something, so I asked if everything was okay, and she said something along the lines of, “My pussy feels like it’s vibrating, and my legs are shaking.”We both laughed and I told her how much I enjoyed Skyping with her (I had my second orgasm when she had her third, by the way) and I teased her again about how she had never felt like that before. Then she said to me in a matter-of-fact tone, “Seriously though, we’re doing this again tomorrow, right?”And we did.So, that’s my story of how I taught a gorgeous girl how to masturbate for the first time (and two more times after that!) through Skype.”
While 85% of men believe that their partners had an orgasm during their last sexual experience, only 44% of women report actually having one. Are we faking it? Do they really not know? Only 49% of women climax regularly with a partner anyways. Those numbers change a bit depending on who women are having sex with though according to a recent survey. Some women said that it can vary depending on the man they are with.
 Interestingly lesbians had a 75% orgasm rate. Men across the sexuality spectrum, however, all reported around an 89% orgasm rate, and another study shows that 77% of men report always having an orgasm during sex. Every. Single. Time. Not a big surprise there at all. I have even been with men that can't get hard but can still orgasm. 
“You gave me the confidence to buy my first ever vibrator, and um, I LOVE IT. It’s just a simple one, but it’s great and I use it all the time ;) EVERYONE: buy vibrators!”“I don’t know how to thank you. Just by reading your posts and things that other people have said on your blog I’ve finally gained the courage to buy my first vibrator. I know that doesn’t seem like a big deal but seeing as how I’m 18 and still live with my parents I’ve always been afraid of them finding out or finding it. But today, I was just like, “fuck it” and went on Amazon and bought a vibrator/dildo and some lube as well. I feel very proud of myself and I have you to thank for that.”“I just bought a vibrator thanks to your website 🙈 I’ve always wanted one, but I always felt that vibrators only work if you use them internally, which I am not comfortable with. But I stumbled on your “intro to vibrators” post and since it is finals week and I’m stressed, I got the Doc Johnson. It just arrived (thanks Prime!) and I just came in 3 minutes!”“So I was at Walgreen’s yesterday, and have been looking for something to help get me off for a while. I was like, “well, I could just buy a vibrator, but I’m here, so let’s see what they offer. Thanks to your list of things that vibrate, I went to the back massagers. I found a cheap (around $15) Walgreen’s brand one (this one) and ugh. Amazing! It took a bit at first, but finally, it was awesome. 10/10 would cum again.”
Kathryn Stamoulis, an educational psychologist and professor of human sexuality at Hunter College, told me that even though research shows that honest sexual education doesn’t lead to young people having more sex, “many parents have the fear that talking about sex is going to make a teenager go out and immediately do it.” 
Kathryn Stamoulis, an educational psychologist and professor of human sexuality at Hunter College, told me that even though research shows that honest sexual education doesn’t lead to young people having more sex, “many parents have the fear that talking about sex is going to make a teenager go out and immediately do it.” McKenzie is right: sex and pleasure are more nuanced than that. But until we recognize that women’s pleasure during sex is just as important as men’s – and that there’s nothing wrong with having sex just because it feels good.


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